General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter Lifestealer as a support hero?

How to counter Lifestealer as a support hero? in General Discussion

    ^ Pls help

    acc buyers in my team


      Are you serious? xD


        Yup in 2k bracket that is really a cancer hero

        acc buyers in my team


          It's simple, get a hero with CC, kite him and then laugh at him.


            you dont counter Lifestealer! You just accept fate and die


              As support what hero do u think can stop him from killing my team even in late game?

              ASSESS Product

                i troll ls with sk.


                  sk... hmmmm... wht else

                  Pale Mannie

                    Shadow Shaman


                      try dazzle and pugna

                      acc buyers in my team

                        pugna, lion, dazzle, sk, ogre and so on.

                        Just get a ghost scepter, wait until his rage is gone, cc him and laugh at him.



                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Get EB in the late game if you really have trouble keeping your team alive. Also Lotus Orb is nice, it dispels Open Wounds, though you could also get a Diffusal for that. A Force Staff is generally more than enough though and Solar Crest is also pretty nice, that hero doesn't like to go MKB.

                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                              naix is rly op in this patch. impossible to win vs naix


                                Ghost sceptre... thnx I found my answer i think


                                  Force staff


                                    just get a ghost scepter and bane is quite a good support to counter ls early and mid game I guess