General Discussion

General DiscussionBiggest Doto coincidence?

Biggest Doto coincidence? in General Discussion

    I recently randomly checked my very first game and I've noticed something really crazy!

    I was playing as Warlock while the enemy Nightstalker is someone in my class from my new school!

    This is a match we two played together AFTER I met him in reallife:

    Have you guys ever experienced something similiar?

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      lmao he's a ponyfag

      acc buyers in my team

        lel i would call him scrub Keepo


          Yes I played with someone from my city randomly


            If got queued with ppls from my friendslist randomly few times already


              it always delivers to see what items people who are new to the game build


                yeah i play with ppl from earth the planet i live in


                  I actually met some aliens and animals while playing.


                    ^i dont think thats any special.
                    Btw once if played a game without russians oO

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      2 Basi rings are better than 1!

                      Livin' Real Good

                        Yeah, huge coincidence, amazing isn't? XD

                        I have people on my list that I played with/against ages before we became friends, and the only reason I know that is just cause of Dotabuff's recent teammate system, crazy. But the thing that makes yours so sick is cause your first game, and you met the person in real life.... o_o

                        Swap Commends

                          I met Illuminati


                            Once there was a pinoy in my team, and he didn't say Putang ina mo me mid bobo pick tanker

                            I was legit shocked.


                              once in a game enemy speak english in all chat!!
                              what a COINCIDENCE


                                I used to play minecraft in 2010 when I was 10. I moved onto Dota around that time and I matched up against a dude from the same minecraft server I played on. He also lives about 15 mins away from me


                                  I got queued with the person beside me in a cafe during solo ranked match. I kinda flamed him cause he fed a lot even tho Im warding. That was awkward the moment I saw his profile, it was really him. hahahahaha