General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR hell

MMR hell in General Discussion
Smitty Werbenjaegermenjensen

    I'm fairly new to dota and i'm far from the best, so i'm pretty clueless. When I first unlocked ranked I was so excited to play it that I calibrated right away when I was absolute trash. So I ended up with a pitiful 800 MMR. I think i've gotten a lot better at the game but I cant get out of this MMR range. After a lot of ranked games i'm still hovering around 800 MMR. A large part is due to my teammates. I've played too many ranked games where someone locks in as sniper right away and feeds for the rest of the game. If this was actually my skill bracket and where I belong I wouldn't be complaining but there is just too many trolls and feeders in this low MMR. Do you guys have any tips to help me get out of this skill bracket

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    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      Make a new account, don't play ranked til you hit 1.5k hours


        1. play much match bots and normal mm, learn heroes, mechanics, map awarness, drafting, etc.
        2. watch ur replay and pros
        3. - play mmr again u will easily climb even with thrower on ur team
        - make new acc
        - buy acc

        shag bro

          Get good. But how?
          1. Play bots (insane). Don't judge me on this one because it teaches you how to find kills and win fights as well as feed and lose fights. Playing against bots sometimes can help you realise what you need to kill an enemy. When you have no killing potential and you try to kill, you will feed. So I need you to realise when is it that your hero can start making plays and getting the kills.

          2. Focus on your farming. Aim for 50cs/min if you're farming

          3. Look at minimap. If heroes are missing and you are past your river, play safely, hide in the fog/trees/tower and wait till they show up.

          Focus on that and you can hit 2k easily. From there its coordination with teammates


            In picking stage tell yourself what hero can kill enemy heros the most
            Or what hero, enemy have problem in killing him the most. With right choice u can win those games all on your own.


              same .. i calibrated at 200 mmr now i recalibrate ... donno how much will be


                Low mmr accounts are worth same as 6k accounts. Consider selling it and making a new one. There is no point playing ok 1k mmr, cos u will have feeders every game. Better make a new one and calibrate on 2k or even more.


                  Make new account and start your DotA2 journey again. Be better team mate. Be realistic. Never go full retard. And please don't buy an account.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Tony Push

                    Spam 1 op hero until you fully master it. Then the result is magic

                    Pepper & Salt

                      master at least 1 hero for each type of role (support, carry, initiator)
                      by master, i mean you are really comfortable with playing.
                      so basically you just need 3 heroes in your pocket for a kickstart.

                      then go rank play with those 3 heroes, outplay with them.
                      even support can outshine the carry if you play it right, and your carry is a total dummy.

                      most importantly, in a solo rank, just auto assume that all your teammates are dummy.
                      regardless of role, just go all out offense.

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                        I am pretty surprised how guys are calibrated so low ? I am playing Dota2 several months and i think that i will be calibrated into VHS with support.
                        If i can give you advice, please play support if you are new.


                          you farm like trash, item build always too similar.


                            Over the past month, you have 11 ranked games with a 36% winrate. Either you were tilted all month or are heading down in mmr.

                            I would highly recommend practicing with bots. Remember that when with bots they are all the exact same skill level. So to win a hard bot match you just have to be better then a hard bot.


                              I dont think 50 lh per min is legit stuff.

                              Max Pain

                                I suggest you to play with your higher mmr friends and learn from them.The moment u are able to keep up them and felt that u have improved drastically,create a new acc and play from scratch,depending how high the bracket of the games you and your friends are playing,u will be calibrated at somewhere there.Frankly speaking,there is no other way to get out of your mmr bracket other then gain more experience and play better.


                                  Yea sure listen to what all the normal/ hs players have to say, you'll surpass Miracle. What could possibly go wrong?


                                    you know you're so bad when you can get negative kda in normal/hs games HHAHAHAHAAHAHA


                                      Im sure you'll get a higher mmr by listening to them xD

                                      ASSESS Product

                                        hard? why not unfair?

                                        Tips: Just play agressive against unfair bot but know your limit. Bots tend to stick together from mid game until late game. If can, try refresh bot game until you against ck, warlord, viper, necro/bane, dk/bristleback. If you can easily win against these heroes, you wont have hard time in your mmr.

                                        And also watch how pro build item on heroes, skill build. Improve your map awareness. From my experience, most this below 1k mmr are lack of map awareness (i have few friends like this so i can confirm). But how? Just like ♠ said. Always look at minimap.

                                        I too like you, i just go calibrate after unlock rank and calibrate at 2.4k mmr. I become too cocky and end up losing 400 mmr and i once had 40+% winrate. But now I manage to get back my 200 mmr. Take your time, practise and git gud.

                                        Max Pain

                                          Says a guy who abandons his only antimage game with a 1-8 score.If u wanna make your bought acc even more obvious,why not change your name to acc buyer69?Cuz ur account clearly screams 'HEY GUYS,IM AN ACC BUYER'.

                                          Moon Moon

                                            All bots are exactly the same skill level you say? Have you had the pleasure to play with Lion? His playstyle is comparable to the yarn of my cat. Which can be described as clueless obviously. Lion (bot) is that guy who dives a Tower at lvl 1 for no reason. If I could, I would have spent all my reports on Lion (bot). What an asshole.

                                            He is not even close to Viper (bot).


                                              WOW im pretty sure they sell accounts with only 11 games played xD you must some special kind of moron to think i play seriously on this account. You're probly a shit 3.8-4k flat noob lmao


                                                11 games VHS 40%wr Talks oO

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                                                  ^ i dont know if you're blind or illiterate or something else, cause clearly you can't read simple english lmfao

                                                  Max Pain

                                                    First of all,if playing easy tryhard heroes like zeus,clinkz and lina is not 'playing seriously',then i dont know what is.And for an account with only 11 games,which is still far from calibration matches,playing those heroes with easy kda obviously made u a mmr abuser which doesnt deserve to be in the bracket that he deserves.For instance,u played am and failed 0-8 so u abandoned the game cause u refuse to admit that u are a scrub.With this acc u are like a 10yr old kid trying to flirt with grown women although ur balls havent dropped as u dont even have your mmr.Whats the matter kid?Cant reach 3k with your main acc so you comment on other main accounts with your smurf too comfort yourself?Such a pathetic excuse for a human being.I honestly think that u just needed some attention so i will end my comment with,{Congratulations dude,you are such a awesome dota player ;)} Peace out *micdrops*

                                                    M1YONG PAPLO

                                                      YOU GOT NOTHING TO LOSE. YOU're 900 mmr


                                                        You're basically shit, I climbed from 500 to 2k and it took me a year, I was actually really bad and needed to improve in order to raise mmr, that's your true mmr, get good.

                                                        M1YONG PAPLO

                                                          ^ Slow clap fo this cute guy. Nice!


                                                            Retard teammates!!! That's the problem
                                                            Then valve think you are retard and put u with them and u cant do shit
                                                            But Im ok with it

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                                                            ASSESS Product

                                                              "Hey look! I just want to bragging about my vhs bracket that I will never achieved in my main acc." -TypicalSmurfer