General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo 6.87 build and play style

Meepo 6.87 build and play style in General Discussion

    Although Meepo is quite inferior compared to to other buffed heroes this patch. However, he's still good situationally. Probably many people have already build this, I would like to sum up:

    - Early game:
    + Starting items: Iron Talon, Tangos. 7 min BoT. 13-14 min Aghs. 15-16 min Dragon Lance
    + Meepo needs to farm efficiently on lane. Do not be too agressive in lane, this potentially makes him go base more often due to low in mana/hp. If the enemy laners are too agressive, transition into jungle after Meepo get 3.
    + Focus on getting quick BoT. Use BoT to farm efficiently, and get Aghs.
    + After getting Aghs, get a Dragon Lance to boost Meepo's stats. Dragon Lance is very cost effective item on Meepo.

    - Mid Game:
    + Items: BoT 2, Skady/Hex/EB
    + After 16 min of farming, Meepo is now a monster. Keep on farming, but try to push and join teamfight with BoT. Do not get a dagger, get BoT 2 instead. Watch team's initiator, if he's about to initiate, use BoT 2 on him and fight with your team. If teammate get caught by 2-3 enemies, also BoT on him to help.
    + Use smoke and take Aegis whenever possible.
    + Meepo should get max items at 35/40 mins.

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      "Do not get a dagger, get BoT 2 instead." rip


        ^ reason?


          If you don't get a BoT 2, for example if your bh/riki found a target in enemies' jungle, how can you do anything about that? because there is no creep for you to tp in. By the time you reach the nearest creep, the enemies flee already.


            IMO dragon lance is only good on paper since u sacrifice item slots. When it comes to PT or Bot - well its individual. Personally i prefer PT since its ezier to gank somebody early, rather than akf farm.


              how do u push hg without dagger if your enemy turtles


                U have to force your teammates to dive while u take raxx in a matter of seconds.


                  what if your teammates are all weak and die in 1 second and ur the only strong hero thats carrying? (most meepo stomp games)


                    and without dagger theres no way u just walk up to t3 without getting a spell in your face even if your team is distracting


                      I actually used to play meepo a lot in dota1. I used to build him like pt > scepter > EB ×4. I didnt skill poof till later. I used to max 3rd and right click my enemies to death.


                        well skill build is not arguable here, u need the poof to farm like antimage


                          you need dagger

                          stupid fuck 2000

                            Can someone explain why people buy dragon lance on melee heroes? Is it for the stats? idk


                              yes its for the stats.

                              dragon lance on meepo doesn't sound great though - you're flash farming two lanes and a jungle - why not just go straight into a proper item? you've already got aghs to bulk your clones up.


                                Why buy Dragon Lance when it doesn't offer anything except cheap stats which other items can provide too, and which you're gonna sell eventually. Rather you can get blink, skadi or scyth early. Dagger is good for meepo for positioning though it doen't offer stats..

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                                  -_-' . . .


                                    Dragon lance is good
                                    No blink is not so good

                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                      Meepo need dagger for his poof nuclear bomb


                                        I can kinda get behind this. Though I don't think you need iron talon as a starting item. QB is probably enough.

                                        lm ao

                                          dragon lance meepo

                                          i never thought there was a better prank than aquila invoker


                                            meepo is a dead hero don't even bother


                                              if u are not planning to become a pro, meepo is very fun to play. If u perform well, u get ez commends. Also playing with friends is satisfying when u carry their losing asses, since meepo shines best in the losing games when u poof into 5 pushing enemies and get an ultra kill.


                                                Definitely I can do proper blink dagger combo. I used to build dagger all the times in my previous meepo games.

                                                The idea with bot2 no dagger build is to let your team initiate or back up your team when they get caught. You wait your team to initiate and tp onto the initiator, you could still get the poof bomb if your initiator is not retard.

                                                Since bot is an expensive build, Dragon Lance makes up for the aghs farming time. Meepo comes online faster with Dragon Lance, rather than waiting for gold for Ultimate Orbs. Meepo should end the game by the time running out of slot, so no need to sell Dragon Lance for other items.


                                                  It all depends, for example if the enemy play aggressive then i suggest to build MEK>BLINK>AGH rather than BOT>LANCE.

                                                  and for early game i dont think you need iron talon because its useless imo, there are better items for meepo early game such stout, ring of basilius (for mek), or bottle if you get an easy lane.

                                                  For the mid game it all depends on the game, if the enemy are tanky & doesnt go for bkb (usually heroes like medusa,spec) then you can go with ethereal + butterfly. At a time like this you should stomping the enemy and end the game bcs meepo late game is not so good

                                                  acc buyers in my team

                                                    Although Meepo is quite inferior compared to to other buffed heroes this patch. However, he's still good situationally. Probably many people have already build this, I would like to sum up: There is literally no situation where a Meepo pick is better than any other Hero

                                                    - Early game:
                                                    + Starting items: Iron Talon, Tangos. 7 min BoT. 13-14 min Aghs. 15-16 min Dragon Lance
                                                    + Meepo needs to farm efficiently on lane. Do not be too agressive in lane, this potentially makes him go base more often due to low in mana/hp. If the enemy laners are too agressive, transition into jungle after Meepo get 3.
                                                    + Focus on getting quick BoT. Use BoT to farm efficiently, and get Aghs.
                                                    + After getting Aghs, get a Dragon Lance to boost Meepo's stats. Dragon Lance is very cost effective item on Meepo.
                                                    This is pretty much dogshit as well, if you plan on going for BoT build, then PMS is a must buy. I don't understand why people buy Iron Talon on meepo at all. Dragon lance is NOT cost efficient, there are way better items out there. PT is as viable as BoT, it depends on Playstyle, the BoT build gives you more map presense and Rat, whereas the PT build gives you massively more damage and teamfight.

                                                    - Mid Game:
                                                    + Items: BoT 2, Skady/Hex/EB
                                                    + After 16 min of farming, Meepo is now a monster. Keep on farming, but try to push and join teamfight with BoT. Do not get a dagger, get BoT 2 instead. Watch team's initiator, if he's about to initiate, use BoT 2 on him and fight with your team. If teammate get caught by 2-3 enemies, also BoT on him to help.
                                                    + Use smoke and take Aegis whenever possible.
                                                    + Meepo should get max items at 35/40 mins.
                                                    Meepo is NOT a monster with BoT, Aghs and Dragonlance. He is quite weak. If you go for the PT, Aghs and Blink build, then meepo would be a 'Monster', but with BoT and Dragonlance without blink, meepo lacks a lot of damage and mobility. Getting BoT2 over blink is only something a dogshit wouldever think of.

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                                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                      Dragon lance is actually good if you are aiming for a quick end. 2 of it gives more stats for its price than a skadi can. Skipping blink is quite a no-brainer imho

                                                      acc buyers in my team

                                                        You cannot be serious. Dragon lance is complete DOGSHIT on meepo,don't ever buy it again, Thanks


                                                          ^ BoT2 does not provide more mobility than Tread+Blink Dagger? Only retards would say that IMHO.

                                                          acc buyers in my team

                                                            are you a fucking retard?

                                                            but with BoT and Dragonlance without blink, meepo lacks a lot of damage and mobility


                                                              Are you?^


                                                                Guys go get some tasty burgers, forget the fucking meepo.


                                                                  "There is literally no situation where a Meepo pick is better than any other Hero"
                                                                  Nonsense. Vs qop am or brood meepo is just about the best hero you can pick.

                                                                  Also i dont like dargon lance, its stupid. Who cares it gives you 5 measly stats over ultimate orb. You can use orb for everything you need (manta skadi hex). 10 stats amongst the 100 of stats on meepo wont change anything. But youre effectively buying an useless item. Which you will sell later and throw the gold away.
                                                                  You can win games with nothing but threads and 4 orbs, lizzard was doing this for a while, but its still bad. Also iron talon, what?


                                                                    I guess Iron Talon for clearing big camp with 2 meepos and 1 poof. If u poof with 2 meeps in big camp, u have to lose time and HP to finish the big guy.

                                                                    Personally qb is enough since meepo has very low base dmg.


                                                                      Low base damage makes qb even worse. It's an unnecessary expense.


                                                                        my build was ring of prot. > basi > aquila cuz it gave some stats

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          Not true at all, there are far better heroes against:
                                                                          brood = Axe, Slardar, SK or LC.
                                                                          Qop = I will concede on this one tho, meepo is pretty darn good against qop, even tho puck, silencer and Cancer Spirit are as good.
                                                                          AM = Slardar, Clinkz and LC are FAR better matchups against an AM, meepo really isn't that effective against him anymore, especially since the meta now makes him buying a vanguard which makes it really hard to kill him, even with 4 meepos.

                                                                          But other than that, i completely agree with you. I literally don't understand the whole talon and dragnolance story, it just seems silly.

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                                                                            I said just about. There are over 100 heroes in dota, being in top 3 counters is good enough. You can argue to what extent, meepo can be just as effective vs any of them as those you mentioned. Nor do I think am is anywhere better than he was before.


                                                                              buy mek and vlads. stay in back like a fucking rat, throw some snares and get THAT PU$$SY +25 DING DONG lul

                                                                              edit: fixed shit 4 better flow, YO

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