General Discussion

General DiscussionBLADEMAIL

BLADEMAIL in General Discussion

    So after the 5 second increase in cool-down how is blademail as an item? Any insights to whether this might purely be a early-mid game item? And also, if i recall correctly it returns damage before damage reduction? Anyone?


      Hi, i dont know what to say. I want say hi


        Still an amazing item. In most games you get it early-midgame and then never sell it. Its too useful to sell. There will be the rare situation where you need to sell it but in most cases you keep it till the end.

        Also yes it returns damage the same type as was done and it returns it before reductions. More importantly, if the damage dealt to you would go through BKB (Such as physical Damage from an Autoattack) then the reflected damage will go through BKB.

        Johnny Rico

          blademail is a must in some heros, just like before, but now is better since it goes trough bkb, the cool-down doesnt matter that much since you use the bm 1-3 times in a long teamfight.

          < blank >

            You make meee angryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


              Blade Male


                this item is still absurd on axe and legion commander. idk who else gets it regularly. maybe pudge?

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  It's great on a lot of heroes, even on supports that are squishy. Try getting it on CM if you are getting picked off like food which usually happens since you're squishy af.