General Discussion

General Discussion"You can't win everygame, but you have to focus on the games you coul...

"You can't win everygame, but you have to focus on the games you could have won" in General Discussion

    But that's shit, since both down your mmr.

    Even the ones you literaly didn't played because someone disconnect, they counts too.
    So i was thinking, is realy worth all of this ? Is realy worth play games over and over to raise your score (at least tryng) ?
    Is just legit to win a 60 min game and lose the next one since min 5 ?
    Yeah, they are like the 1%.
    But in those 2 games, i couldn't see how i had a chance to win. Probably the only bad idea was the Dragon Knight pick even if i managed to farm a little.

    Yeah i know now reading this you will use to missargumenting, but i find fair to say i'm just 3025.
    Looking for real advice on what could i do, instead of some meme shitposting, havn't been here for a year moreless.

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      Swap Commends

        Life of a support.I know how u feel bro.


          "My Opinions > Yours"



            Your win rate is at 51%, so if you could just turn one more loss into a win every 50 games, your win rate would go up to 53%, which would make your mmr go up 3 times faster than it is now.

            I'm at about the same MMR as you, and have less games, so what do I know, but the math is there. Tiny, tiny, TINY, improvements make a big difference over time.

            I know you don't want clichés, but I really do think that believing a game over due to a catastrophic start or outdraft can become a self fulfilling prophecy. I'm realistic and know that most of these games your gonna lose, but in Dota anything is possible. When my team sinks into despair I often type ' losing isn't the same as lost.' I watched this game from the Manila qualifier a few days ago- It's worth watching even if the ending is spoiled for you, but if you want to see a comeback... And your enemy is gonna throw way more in pubs at our level than the pros do. I know it's not common, but this stuff is possible. If a pro team- I know their not top tier, but let's be realistic, they're good players- can throw a 40k gold/exp lead in a major tournament, you can only imagine what kind of shenanigans is possible from your average pub team. This kinda brings us back to that 1 game in 50 stuff.

            Make something like that happen even just every now and then and over time the results will be there.

            Also, as long as you're not the culprit, disconnects will raise your mmr in the long run. Why? Because the enemy team has 5 random people while your team has 4 other random people. So whatever the odds are of an individual disconnect is you multiply it by 5 for the enemy team and times 4 for your team. Like I said, this assumes you never disconnect or leave for any reason. I realize things can happen. One time I almost had to leave a game- my mom was in town and her car broke down so I was gonna pick her up and bring her back to my folk's place, but luckily we won the game before the tow truck got her back into town. Stuff like that is rare though, so you can make your chance do disconnect almost nothing, which means disconnects- and all sorts of other undesirable behavior as well- work to your advantage statistically as long as you're never, ever participating yourself.

            Now that all that positive crap is out of the way, it is worth noting you're on a hell of a skid. 52% ranked win rate last 12 months and 38% last 6 months. Ouch. That is miserable. Only 50 games though, so I think you've just had a spot of bad luck or aren't playing enough or something. Or maybe you just need to get comfortable with more heroes- I see you're a beast on your most played hero. That's kinda where I'm at too- on my best heroes I can win a lot, but I just need more practice with other heroes and to make smarter decisions and overall do things faster and with more precision. So often I think how I should have thought of doing something other than what I did, but I didn't think of it until I was already dead or the opportunity was otherwise lost. I have to make quicker and more clever choices. My most played hero, Pugna, is the only hero I have over 100 games on. If you factor out my first 20 games on him when I was pretty green, I think I have like a 62% win rate on him, and I just feel really comfortable with him and make a lot of sick plays. Now I just have to get to that point with dozens of heroes... which requires thousands of games. You have an absolutely insane 72% win rate on Omni in ranked games. That's really good. You've mastered that hero, but now you have to do the same with a bunch more- or just play nothing but Omni, but that's kinda... I don't know, your call I guess. Just takes a lot of practice and thus time. Whether it's worth it is a question only you can answer.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              If you want to rise in MMR, the only way is to focus on the games you could have won. Sure you will feel some games are gone before they even started, but things on paper don't always work up during execution. You can analyze their lineup and laning phase to have a good guess at what will happen in the next 10-20 minutes.

              For example, you may want to see where their bounty hunter is for the early stage. Plant some sentries and have TP ready so you can save your teammates. You may see your Spectre getting bullied by 2 ranged spell caster. Request for help, or help her yourself since she will be the important factor in your late game success. You have an enemy Nature's Prophet who went Blink instead of SB so he could blink into tree lines but you couldn't do a thing because none of you can approach him quickly or cut trees. Push out the lanes before committing for a tower if he is alive, and save a TP in case rat happens. Get Blink yourself too so you can catch him before he blinks away. They have an Enigma with a BKB, and you have a Silencer. Tell him to save the ult until Enigma pops his BKB, or to save your carry when indeed necessary. These things matter and you got to tell them yourselves once you get a good look at the game itself.

              Also you can last pick for the things that your team might be lacking. Forget about your teammates telling you "we need stun pick lion". Try to analyze the draft yourself. Can your team deal damage quick enough? Do you have lockdowns and are they single target or area?
              Who wins the game if you succeed to drag till late game? Is your lineup too squishy? Then go for the hero you think appropriate for your own team. Mute them when they flamed you for picking Techies when you have nothing to drag the game until your Spectre comes online. There goes your problem of "draft sucked we focking lost", partially.


                lul, u juz sck