General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting space

Getting space in General Discussion

    I've been having difficulty getting space for farming and I need some help. Usually I play support and I do fine there. I've been taking on mid heroes recently and in 2k I can pubstomp but in 4k I can't do too much. I'm getting constantly rotated on and my supports aren't there for me, so i'm sitting under tower getting no gold and they're denying all of their creeps. What should I do to stop this? I try to use my experience with safelane carry but that's not doing me too much good.

    Overall the problems I face most are lack of rotations or wards on my team. In games where my team fills their role I fill mine. I play a decent mid and we win. I'm asking about when my team isn't there for me.

    Btw I'm in a bracket high enough where supports rotate and win lanes but not at a high enough point where they stack and ward for me. I buy my own wards, but i'm missing out on farm when I stack.

    Venus, MBA

      If you're a carry and you have 4 wards in shop, doesn't matter. Buy them. I play mostly support but when I play carry, I prefer to get the wards myself so I know when it's safe to farm. It's even lower cost to buy each Ward now, 65 gold a pop. The vision and the ability to safely farm under it is worth so much more.


        w a r d i s o p n e r f p l z


          I'm not a pro or anything but here are some thoughts about things that are happening in the game that you may not be aware off.

          1. When the rotations are made exclusively to stop you at mid, say 2 supports rotating to deny you farm. You are trading your lack of farm for your carries to farm and gain exp while the 3 heroes gains less if you tower hug or just stay in range enough for you to gain exp.

          2. Nothing wrong with buying your own wards, as a matter of fact, I buy wards when no one does when I play mid so I know a few things such as, when a gank is coming or what runes are up and who took them.

          3. I'm not sure what bracket you're in but from what I understand there are players who rotates as supports even in low bracket mmr and even in high mmr, sometimes, no rotations are made (I know because my highest mmr was 4.1k at some point).

          4. Play with this mentality in mind. MMR is just a number. It doesn't indicate actual skill. What it does indicate is your ability to be flexible and think ahead of the enemy and sometimes your team mates. This holds true especially if your team mates are idiots which will happen. I have played countless of invoker games that ended up buying support and disabling items just to make sure my idiot carries get kills and win us games because its a team game after all and you can't win games alone. Even use my spells for that very reason too.

          5. What good warding can do? If the creeps are pushed out near to enemy towers and you know there are missing heroes that you scouted out with a good ward; leave your lane if you are getting nothing and head to the jungle, stack a camp or kill those neutrals. Those supports can't stay in lane waiting for you to show for too long or they lose out in the end.

          6. What I do as a midder? I don't go into fights the moment I'm lvl 6 or 7. Depending on what hero I play, a couple of basic items would help a lot more in a team fight. I was at 2.4K and one point and every time my team mates die in their lane because of a rotation they will say I don't rotate and I'm an idiot or a noob. But I understand that if I don't get my basic required item or I know even if I tp to help them, it wouldn't do much, then I wouldn't. This will take some game experience to know when a tp is good and when its bad. For example an invoker with ring of aquila and dual forge spirit (at least lvl 9) is stronger in a team fight than a single spirit(below lvl 9) and with no items. Or a tinker that needs about 9 mins to get BoT is more effective than a tinker that is still farming for BoT. A rotation by a tinker without BoT can have dire consequences if he dies during a rotation without getting at least assist gold because it sets the hero back a lot.

          7. Learn item counters. Manta diffuses silence. Greaves is good with silencer ult. Diffusal blade eliminates Omni ults. Etc.

          8. Learn to play as a team player. Don't bother about KDA cause high KDA doesn't win you games. Teamwork does.

          I only play dota for fun and not competitively, and I don't think I'm an average player. And there are times when I have idiots for team mates and there is nothing much I can do about it but wait for it to end (even pros have games like these). Just relax and play smarter and maybe you'll be a pro one day.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          Magbalugtong Jr.

            communicate with ur teammates nicely.