General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat about slark is fair?

What about slark is fair? in General Discussion

    i just played my first 5 games as slark won all 5 even tho 3 of them team majorly fed, i didnt even have a learning curve or anything alll you do is spam q and know how to pounce, fucking need to be debuffed


      sniper also works in your bracket but it doesnt mean that the hero is objectively op. he's simply easy to use against not very competent players.
      on the other side, earthspirit should be a joke in your bracket, while in higher mmr games hes still strong as fuck after all the nerfs he got in the recent patches.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        idk dude u dont know the shit i do with slark


          WHat about pudge is fair 4head

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            pudge is fair cause hes ez to kill even if super fed, jsut disable and hes a goner


              pudge is fair cause hes ez to kill even if super fed, jsut disable and hes a goner
              even with 7k hp almost all my deaths at the end


                that game was epic idk how we won 2v8 3 of my teammates were autisstic or something, i got commended for no flaming at them XD

                yung griphook

                  slark is perfect for capitalizing on shitty coordination. You just kill supports until youre 4-5 slotted and win the game..


                    Just ban him every time u go to All pick xD


                      im in his bracket, and earth spirit is my shit. Just depends on who you play against and how you play, in general if you have skill on skill based heroes in low bracket, you do well. If you play a general pub stomp hero in normal match making you will always almost win.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        es is a pub stomping hero as well


                          mb io would have been a better example


                            WOAH THERE IS A PREVIEW BUTTON

                            THIS IS AMAZING

                            I DONT EVEN CARE ABOUT THIS TOPIC

                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                The only thing that gets slark is AOE disable that sits on the field like Black Hole, Chronosphere, and uhh... I guess Upheaval from warlock? That last one is not gonna happen. There needs to be more of this shit in the game, or Darkpact needs to be reworked to be less obnoxious, like not being able to darkpact out of stuff that is supposed to work like Beastmaster roar/ Reverse polarity. Silencing the fucker in between darkpacts can work. You're usually leashed and dead by then though. Not a fun hero to play against.


                                  "fucking need to be debuffed"
                                  He hasn't really gotten a direct buff in quite awhile.



                                      Not another one of these threads :throwgame:
                                      lol he's not op

                                      el niño peruano

                                        wow you're so awesome!
                                        what an awesome thread btw

                                        Venus, MBA

                                          Slark can't push well on his own, he can't take ancients well like Sven or gryo can, so he needs a lot of space to farm. He also isn't a very good hero to rosh early, he has bad stat growth, and he's very item dependent.


                                            Ez counter to slark are axe and tide especially if their supports are greedy (go jungle) or dont babysit the slark. win lane confirm

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              s l a r k i s o p v o l v o n e r f p l z

                                              Visita Hari Danta

                                                I agree :V

                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                  Nigga Slark hasn't had any buffs for the past 4 patches, the last time he got changed, it was a nerf 4 patches ago.

                                                  House Cat

                                                    I always ban slark :D you cannot kill a fat one. stun but dark pact so he can leap and dagger away. Then after 10 seconds he comes back full health and can 1v3 you. You just can't touch him haha (the ulti of course). Unless extremely noob then u can win.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      im 7-1 as slark now hmm


                                                        i been doing mid slark the really fast lvls and maxed pounce first serves me really well on early ganks/push, plus hes got decent attack speed and base damage to lh and deny at mid

                                                          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                              How is slark Item dependent, I've won games with just skadi and shadoblade

                                                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                    2 slotted of a possible 7 is not item dependant, almost all of his damage comes from rightclicking and stealing other heros stats


                                                                      All the slarks Ive played against have lost miserably. Slark is not nearly as OP as some want to think.


                                                                        Arty by 2 slotted your saying your not building boots ? Are you phantom slark ?


                                                                          slark is objectively awful at the laning stage, maxing pounce first is dumb as fuck and mid slark only works in your bracket because literally anything will work there. He is a "fair" hero because he is so stupidly easy to punish in lane with his poor health pool and doom tier armour along with being utterly useless when he is silenced making heroes with unpurgable silences like disruptor and riki very good against him.


                                                                            hes not ez to punish in lane has pounce to escape hits and lvl 6 unlimited hp
                                                                            and the last game i let alch mid still kicked ass and max pounce did a lot


                                                                              Pre level 6 he is weak in lane . That's why important to shit on him early then use your advantage and team fight , a under fed slark can't do shit in a team fight

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                Maxing pounce hinders your farm a lot , that's why it's usually better to max q first .

                                                                                I love low tiers!

                                                                                  the only thing balanced in him is the shitty stat growth


                                                                                    Again the average mmr for your match is 2.4k as I looked it up on YASP
                                                                                    You suddenly doing well with a hero in a low skill bracket doesn't mean much, maxing pounce is stupid because you can't farm waves and jungle camps quickly + plus your q does way more damage and has a shorter cd.

                                                                                    A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                                      Slark isn't op, but he's one of the best carries in pubs


                                                                                        his "D" size.

                                                                                        so so fresh

                                                                                          Idk how you playing this hero. Much harded than voker for me (rly)

                                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                                            Ive been first picking Slark for ages, so you guys are saying he's meta now? (haven't been watching pro dota much or playing ranked) Damn, maybe I should just start playing ranked again and claim my free MMR. I just hate spamming heroes, feels dirty, and feels like I didn't improve. I'm only spamming tinker now in pubs just cause I'm legitimately practicing the hero.

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              Just pick slark if you don't want to play against him


                                                                                                Dam yorkey you got a lot of slark games now .

                                                                                                Oscar Mayer Weaver

                                                                                                  You're just getting fed by idiots. Slark sucks when played against a coordinated team, with supports who know how to avoid putting themselves in the position to feed.

                                                                                                  Guy Riki

                                                                                                    Teach me how to slark. I try him once and died so much.

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