General Discussion

General DiscussionRemainder to 2k and below who play bh.

Remainder to 2k and below who play bh. in General Discussion
ASSESS Product

    This is how you play bh. Not those stupid dagon+bf build. Roam the whole game and becareful bcoz enemy might put sentry. Dun farming in lane whole time bcoz your track still give a lot money and at least track enemy b4 kill him.



      Pale Mannie

        Im sick of those carry bh's going deso linkens but i know a solution already. Intentionally pick some shit hero and lose if he is in my team

        inst:  MissMissclick

          but in 2k, damage is king. utility dont do shit for 2kers


            Picks that make you lose the game by default BH,techies,lc jungle,storm sprit,natures prophet,elder titan,Arc warden,Sniper

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              i love bh roam so ill bump this. +

              Miku Plays

                i tried dagon eb divine in 3k


                  There are different ways to play every hero. If you play BH as a support, that doesn't means that everyone who play BH as a carry are wrong.


                    U shouldn't play BH as a carry, u fggt


                      ^Sure, a hero with innate crit, invis and gold farming tool shouldn't be played as a carry. Makes sense...


                        Well guys i never play this hero but i think guardian greaves is not worth it as much as bloodthorn. Am i right (14/11/34, k/d/a)?


                          Exp. Trophy lvl 10. SmUrF DeTeCtEd


                            Why mana boots you shitstain?

                            me, government hooker

                              thanks man!!


                                I like roaming and throwing shurickens early game bro, that's why mana boots. You definitely can play bh as a support if there is no one else on the team to do so but i believe disabler gondar is much better if the game allows you to do so. What do you think?

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  Bloodthorn works like a charm! =)

                                  ASSESS Product

                                    @SandiP I did play smurf and just want to experience other skill bracket. This match is on high skill bracket. But seriously though, i feel nothing different with my regular 2k ranked match.

                                    IMO, if you play carry as bh, enemy will focus on you frst and bh is not really tanky and have low attack speed. He will mostly loss 1vs1 against other carry. So i think build utility is the best for bh. Well considered to go carry if your carry are stupid shit like this match

                                    You can bash me everytime you like bcoz its just normal skill opinion. :/

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      ^Try AC+Skadi build then come back here and tell us again what you think about tankiness of BH.

                                      ASSESS Product

                                        Why bh need skadi though. His crit aready slow enemy and track also fast your movement. Even sniper can be tank if you build him skadi and heart.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          Now you say that any hero can be tank... Make up your mind!

                                          BTW, you can check this table
                                          and find out that BH is #5 (with Naga) in the list of most armored heroes.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            ya when i play against people a lot worst than me i can do stuff like crystal maiden right click carry

                                            it doesn't mean the hero is meant to be built that way. bh doesn't function as a carry because he has low stat gain, no steroid skills (lmao jinada is scaled off a cd its not the same as a passive crit) and basically no flash farm ability, his ulti does not count as flash farm

                                            that hero functions well WITHOUT farming which is why he's meant to be a #4 or #5

                                            like i said juz cuz u did it in a game and it worked does not mean its optimal nor does it serve as any form of evidence that its good


                                              Low stat gain? 3 AGI per level? Look at the table above.

                                              Passive crit is better, but Jinada is more reliable. You know when you going to crit and this is good too.

                                              Also, sometimes carry heroes has to waste a slot on Gem, just because they can't kill that Crystal Maiden with 1850 gold item. Not a problem for BH.


                                                Hurricane pike? On Bounty Hunter? Just leave it at a force staff and get blink.

                                                Also, Bloodthorn isn't so good on Roaming Bounty Hunter because you won't have the money :c

                                                And mana boots because someone on the team has to get it, and the extra mana is always helpful