General Discussion

General Discussion57.55% winrate. Normal Skill?!

57.55% winrate. Normal Skill?! in General Discussion

    Tired of playing with/against LS pudges or rikies. I want you to tell me if Im a real NS player or its a bug mb. Also I haven't got another calibrated acc with mmr. Thank you for your opinions. I will answer your questions to me if you have those!!!

    < blank >

      Yes you are, you lost a lot of your first games and your hidden mmr got worse now you are so low to actually win more games.
      git gud


        I've got a friend and he has about 1k mmr on his 1st akk. Now he created new acc and got VHS with 10 games .

        < blank >

          He played better in the first games on his new account I guess but if he suck he will lose games until he reaches his "true" skill bracket. If you are good enough you will win games and increase your mmr = increase you skill bracket.

          I started at 900 mmr and got to 4.7k, gid gud and don't smurf


            So theres no point for me to think that's a bug?)

            inst:  MissMissclick

              need at least 300 games at this winrate bro

              Pale Mannie

                Im normal skill with a high winrate and im aware that i belong there.

                Lets do Science

                  Seeing as you can beat normal skill players 57% of the time i believe you're actually 5k in a 2ks body. Gaben clearly personally flagged your account to stay in normal skill forever.


                    Okay I think I understood something and become a bit motivated. On my way to winning even more NS games, thanks.


                      I REALLY THOUGHT LIKE GABEN DID THIS TO ME.....


                        I dont have a smurf btw.

                        Eternal Ember

                          Sadman kappa


                            Ha mines better kek


                              Win Rate

                              Not Trying!

                                ^ retard who thinks only playing core will get u to vhs..


                                  He has great @ssists per match.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    Rofl enax has 60.56% winrate and normal skill. There's something illogical in this system for sure.


                                      Or he has a smurf where he ruins 100 per cent of his games Kappa


                                        Really, theres something fucking stupid when you are an above 55 per cent winrate guy playing with and against 40 per cent winrate gameruiners.


                                          lol i have 57% winrate too and normal skill .... & ? :D


                                            you are high skill or very high skill on ranked


                                              I can allways tell whether youre in the right mmr or not by just looking at: The first 5 games.

                                              They tell me everything i need to know.
                                              If you lose games in Normal you should be in normal.
                                              You are normal skill for a reason.

                                              Not Trying!

                                                Zz.. u can get hs/vhs with lower winrate than that as well.. it all depends on ur understanding of the game and how u play it..


                                                  I had a 57% wr and was normal skill, know why? I calibrated at like 800 mmr and then climbed to 3k, then fell down again to 2.7 and now stay there because thats my mmr. Nothings wrong with the system, stop bitching.


                                                    My first 5 games I won except the game in which everybody in my team left except me. And you think in normal skill I should win 100 per cent of games even everyone are crazy and gameruiners? Didn't get the point, can you be more concrete at what point I should become better?

                                                    Not Trying!

                                                      Btw.. u can still get to hs.. im not sure bout vhs.. but I think hs is still possible if u improve ur overall gameplay..


                                                        It's interesting how the system can feel my understanding of the game not based on winrate. Isn't it ridiculous to lean on csed creeps or pushed towers if you're to discover a players level?


                                                          57% winrate means u deserve ~500 higher rating. it doesnt mean you need to be in HS. if you are 2k, the rating u deserve is 2.5k, which is normal skill, too.


                                                            If it's right, it clears something...


                                                              meh its not probably about wins anyway.. its probably about gpm, xpm, fantasy points, and other hidden stats that measures mechanical skill


                                                                I think enough said. Thank you for your attention boys!

                                                                Eternal Meow

                                                                  Your win rate means you are climbing. If you make a new account and get a higher ranking you'll drop to 50%. Wouldn't you rather enjoy higher frequency wins for a while until you reach equilibrium?


                                                                    I would rather enjoy self perfection in dota by playing with strong players.

                                                                    Long hard road out of 2k

                                                                      play ranked go up


                                                                        im not a smurf


                                                                          @enax I'm really interested in knowing what mmr you calibrated at


                                                                            Keep getting carried noob you need stats


                                                                              Just gotta keep wining and you'll get out of normal skill .


                                                                                retarded highskill pma guy. i have seen an account who has 40% winrate calibrated as high as 4.6k. the system needs stats gpm, kda, tower damage, hero damage (that is why spamming zeus ult back then was a thing) and etc. If you played a core to the very best and still have normal/highskill well lmao u belong there. But also show me someone who broke the system and achieve vhs that played only supports.


                                                                                  You can look my 2nd calibration match where I use weaver and you will understand. I lost that game but u see the next game i play in very high skill but i dropped to high skill, lol. But the point is u see in that match i have a good kda than my enemy and also good hero damage. I got to vhs in the next game where i use slark but fall to high skill back even though i win the game. So i think its not bcause your win rate. Just a scrub opinion.

                                                                                  I lost the weaver game and move up to vhs. In that vhs game i win but dropped to high skill. Hope this help

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    ^^ Jeez, it's not hard at all. I have a small percentage of core games, but they certainly didn't get me to VHS. And it's not like getting to that bracket means you are any good anyway.

                                                                                    Edit: In fact, look at here.

                                                                                    That KOTL game was my first solo High Skill match (I had others before, but they were in party so they don't count). What's preceding it? 5 straight losses, 4 of them with supports.

                                                                                    The Razor game on the other hand was my first solo VHS match, preceded by 2 support games with not so trash stats (Yes, I had a phase when I beleived Necro could support, shame on me), because you'd be crazy to think that Sniper game had anything to do with it. Oh, and winning it still made me return to High Skill for 2 games, both also played with supports, and again with not so trash stats to get back to VHS.

                                                                                    So yes, the idea that you can only play cores to get to higher brackets is delusional as hell.

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      im a decent vhs player at normal mm but calibrated at ns, but i dont fucking care cuz mmr is ez and smurf wont improve ur skill

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                        ^smurfing will improve your skill imo. if your smurf is in a higher bracket then you can learn something from players that are more better than you. i was up against this 7k invoker player and i was od. i thought od would rekt invoker but he proved me wrong so badly. thats why watching replays of good players and stuff would greatly improve your game, especially playing against them yourself. so smurfing is a great way to practice and learn. so once you go back to your main you will be a better player.

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          dude, im vhs on normal mm and always found much smurfer playing carries when im also pick carry but play stupid af feed blame cuz no sup with no map awarness. sometimes i pick sup with wards everywhere but the 4k carry on my line stupid at lasthit even still no map awarness, even back then when im 2k theres more better carry than him even they play without wards, u are one of them probably. so im better playing at ranked now, maybe i can hit "real" 7k as u said

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                          Entertainment 7wenty

                                                                                            I'll preface this with saying I'm not that good, just another 2k noob, so my comment has more to do with simple logic than my actual skill. But there's a lot of talk about winrate in this thread. It's called very high SKILL bracket though, not very high WINRATE bracket. They are not directly related. You can play with normal skill and win 55% of your games against other normal skill players, it doesn't mean you have very high skill. Now if you're winning 70% or more at normal skill, then yeah you're pretty clearly significantly better than the other people you're playing, but you need to realize anything less than 60%, in the grand scheme of things, just means you a winning slightly more than half your game, which isn't that impressive. My other profile's winrate is 55% and I'm not all pissy that i'm NS instead of VHS because I know that I don't play with VHS. Bottom line if you just skip to this part: WINRATE AND SKILL ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, IE. JUST BECAUSE ONE IS GOOD DOESN'T MEAN THE OTHER HAS TO BE GOOD TOO.

                                                                                            Entertainment 7wenty

                                                                                              @elegoogle wtf about their abilities and stats would make OD rekt invoker? Voker has higher int gain and a huge mana drain which in turn weaken ODs ult and weaken his right click, respectively.


                                                                                                Okay. Fuck winrate. I got godlike herohealing , impressive KDA , GPM and XPM , tower damage . LMAO. I want to stop this trashtalk pls dont write here anymore. BUT THANKS FOR ALL OPINIONS!!!!

                                                                                                det skjuts foer lite punkt

                                                                                                  winrate is nothing.

                                                                                                  i will tell you the secret from 1000 smurf accs. u need to win at normal bracket(win= dominate win ez solo games) same with highskill and then vhs.

                                                                                                  win kill and try not to die be aware of all u can and do ur best all the time.

                                                                                                  Entertainment 7wenty

                                                                                                    dude all those links are for individual games, and not even that good of individual games. Your idea of godlike GPM is 593?! That just proves how normal skill you truly are. Your overall numbers are not that impressive. Here lets compare so you can see how mediocre you really are:
                                                                                                    your KDA is 2.85; mine is 2.7
                                                                                                    your GPM 341; mine 389
                                                                                                    your XPM 379; mine 474
                                                                                                    your most tower damage 6214; mine 10,081
                                                                                                    your most hero healing 12,950; mine 12,162
                                                                                                    your most last hits 235; mine 738

                                                                                                    Based on this comp of both averages and records this would indicate your winrate has a lot more to do with having good teammates. As not only do I avg a better game, but my best games are better than your best games which is another way of saying when things go right for me I do more with it than you. You could try to argue that you play mostly supports, but in that case don't try proving how good you are by showing your matches where you play carries like wraith and lycan. Also, playing support is no excuse for still having a shitty sub-3.00 KDA across all matches. But even with all this I STILL know that I'm not deserving of VHS and you're STILL bitching about it even all the numbers say that a best case scenario for you would be to be matched up with me, but honestly probably not even good enough for that as you'd have to break 2K mmr.


                                                                                                      538 gpm godlike ROFL