General Discussion

General DiscussionCan you still dodge games without penalty?

Can you still dodge games without penalty? in General Discussion

    I keep getting in games with people on 6-14 loss streaks so yeah can you still dodge through console without getting the penalty or did they patch it? inb4 kitrak wont tell me.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      people on loss streaks at high mmr are a lot more likely to tryhard to win, having a loss streak and teaming with you also means they they're actual rating shows how much better they are than you

      as opposed to some ARROGANT FUCKING TWAT WHO JUST GOT TO MID 5K cuz of a lucky streak but thinks he's hot shit


        ^ I think you need to cut down on your sodium chloride intake mate, its not good for your health.


          dodging through console still gets you the 5 minute penalty and subsequently the 30 minute penalty

          and wasn't the trick to actually crash your client? so the system would read it as you failed cuz u couldnt load in time instead of actually dodging, this was fixed btw


            apparently ive seen a couple ways where u can still dodge without penalty but its super troublesome