General Discussion

General Discussionis abyssal blade worth the buy on slark

is abyssal blade worth the buy on slark in General Discussion

    Vanguard seems useless due to slarks ultimate. However, i have seen many people buying it, Why?

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      how does slarks ultimate negate a ton of hp and early game block that u get on vanguard tho?


        its great because it does negate damage and making him the bit more needed sturdyness plus the whole fact that is the 2nd best disable in the game still applys (syth still being best)


          because if they dont have detection you can just regen through ult and shadow blade. I was just wondering when i should buy vanguard... before PT after PT, what would the item build be if i do go for the item.


            it gives hp and damage block man, not only hp regen.
            u can try to go some sangeandyasha vanguard vladimir oldstyle slark or something


              it's still worth it if you need the active or it's late game and you have basher already, may as well upgrade it if you have nothing else to build,
              but i dont think you ever get the vanguard first.


                ^ok, so just continue what i do here is fine (build wise) ?


                  you shouldn't be skipping aquila especially when you're going shadow blade. even if you don't go sb, aquila is a really good item on slark regardless.


                    People dont read description. I see people still buying drums despite it being the worst item in the game now.

                    I'd rather have Schyte of Vyse than Abyssal on Slark, it gives u the same damage + hp, 10 sec shorter cooldown, and is like 1000 gold cheaper.


                      instead of Aquila i used infused raindrops and had about the same mana regen as well as i avoided like 3 ganks and two lina Ultis


                        I was jungling past the 8 minute mark to give solo farm to the clinkz because he was mad that he didnt get any LH because i "hogged them" first 8 minutes to get early PT so i could give him solo farm.

                        King of Low Prio

                          They just made abyssal a choice rather than pretty much mandatory on melee carries late game

                          King of Low Prio

                            Low dmg but extra stuns


                              Still building my bashers hopefully the game is ended before I have to upgrade to abyssal or my damage will be so high I won't need the extra damage . Haven't had to upgrade one to abyssal yet .

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                its not just for the mana, slark's stat gain is shit and so is his armour. slark has good wave clear which synergises with basi/aquila armour aura which allows you to push the lane.

                                skipping aquila is almost as good of an idea as not starting with any health regen or skipping boots. yeah maybe 1 in 100 games you get away with not spending gold on it so your next item is slightly faster but in the majority of games skipping it just makes it harder for you to get through the early game on a good start which in turn makes it harder to carry the game.


                                  Slark spammer here. Try this build : PT> Sage mask> SB> echo sabre> Silver Edge>etc..

                                  I'm not building Aquila anymore on Slark. Why? Because Echo Sabre rocks. I see Echo Sabre as some kind of Aquila and Drums in 1 item. Echo gives you good stats ( +10 int and +10 str, both badly needed on slark), double attack and slow for little less money then aquilla + drums (110 gold less). With solo echo sabre you get +200 HP, with drums and aquila combined you get +180 HP (u get 20 more MP with drums and aquila). Btw, many of you obviously forget about 0.6 second 100% MS/AS slow. It's huge, like having sniper's HEADSHOT on Slark.

                                  If you build both aquila and echo sabre I think it delays other items too much. So, for now, I'm not building Aquila anymore, rushing SB and echo sabre.

                                  Yeah, Blink is much better option for late game positioning and initiation but new Silver Edge is JUST TOO GOOD IMHO. And again, ppl think Silver Edge is only good against heroes like PA, Troll, Spectre, Viper, WK, etc... No, Silver Edge is great vs ALL HEROES. For example, Zeus. Why? Well, when you attack him with Silver Edge, not only Zeus loses Static Field for 5 sec, he also receive 50% damage reduction which applies on Zeus spells also. So, if Zeus tries to use his Q,W and ulti next 5 seconds, he will only tickle you. Huge right?

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Well sabre fulfills the mana regen issues, aquila still AMAZING for the price. Cost wise no other item for an agility core comes close. The issue is slots and how soon you will sell it. Sabre doesn't replace drums aura though, people seem to think of drums as just a cheaper ult orb, old drums I mean.


                                      the only problem i have is that ring of aquila only gives 2 armor now, and it is now less than tower armor. so if my support pulls lane properly and keeps me under tower, while i have Infused rain drops i have the same mana regen and more magical resistance and more armor than i would with Ring. And to the guy two comments up, TY SO MUCH, that was very helpful. Do you think that infused raindrops would be a good replacement for sage mask or no (just theory crafting).


                                        Yeah, ofc, I just always forget about infused raindrops, really good item for early game ^ ^


                                          ^ Awesome, you're the best! TY!

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