General Discussion

General DiscussionSilver edge buffed, s&y nerfed

Silver edge buffed, s&y nerfed in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    S&y was getting to be core on so many heroes. I know I built it all the time of sven, sniper, slark, medusa, sometimes on wk and other str heroes, and sometimes opted for it over manta even on jug.

    But with silver edge buffed so much and maim nerfed is silver edge the new go to item? 15 all stats now, huge price drop. So side by side:

    Silver edge - s&y
    Dmg 45 - 32 (for str and agi, int heroes don't usually build either)
    Hp 300 - 320
    IAS 45 - 32
    Int 15 - 0
    Costs 4800 - 4100

    Going silver edge you lose the move speed and maim proc but gain invis, that has good move speed, and then the backstab dmg. Idk just seems like possibly a better core stat item over s&y now, especially for ranged heroes since the maim proc is only 13% slow on them now. I guess I'll have to try it on medusa and see. She desperately needs move speed and having a slow before finishing skadi is really nice, but the slow is not much now. On melees even harder choice I guess cus maim wasn't nerfed that much on them. I never built shadowblade/silver edge that often on sniper or drow but I think it's basically core now, really good stats at that price.

    Mike Wazowski..!

      Increasing maim chance on melee heroes is pretty significant I think.. A 3% decrease on maim chance for range heroes is not much a change.. SnY was buffed, not nerfed.. SnY melee carries incoming..

      me, government hooker

        how exactly was sny nerfed. if anythinmg all i see is a buff


          D: D: D: D: D:

          Dire Wolf

            The chance was increased but the effect was reduced a lot, probably to compensate. But it's only 13% slow for ranged now vs old 32%. That's a big change.

            Mostly though silver edge was buffed a ton. Maybe you build both?

            Mike Wazowski..!

              14% increase on chance over a 6% slow is a buff.. No one gives a fuck about range heroes.. Most range heroes build SnY only for the stats..