General Discussion

General DiscussionEcho Saber on Kunkka?

Echo Saber on Kunkka? in General Discussion

    Just had a quick question, haven't seen anything on people testing if Echo Saber does two attacks using the extra damage and cleave on kunkka's tidebringer, or if it's just a normal attack. I know things like sven ult, tiny ult, and bs buff work with it so I'd like to know if it works with tidebringer. If so that seems pretty good.


      you hit with tidebringer, it procs, puts it on cooldown, second hit is normal
      i think


        Echo Saber is meant for slark, double hit is really good for his passive, and given the walking/attacking interruption it provides each 5 seconds, it really helps to keep target under control. Also, the as/ms reduction is very useful to pounce right after.


          I tested it and it works like arin described