General Discussion

General DiscussionConfused

Confused in General Discussion

    I am really not sure what I should be doing to improve as a dota player. I have been playing since 2012 , been on and off the scene.. having around 1500 hours clocked. I can more or less play every type of hero and my mmr is around 2k. But I seem to be playing in the same pool for quite some time now. I am not sure what I should be doing to improve. Could someone help me out please?

    Your Wife's Boyfriend

      You are trying too hard, I mean bh is a great hero and he wins pretty easily, but not in the 2k bracket. Like spamming a roaming greaves bh is really good in 4.5k+ games but does not win you the 2k mmr game. Shadow blade slark - Thats the hero you need in order to climb fast. I remember I got around 300 mmr in a day with jungle ursa went like 15-1 streak (4000-4300) then switched to am, because the ursa wasnt that viable in 4.5k games, then doom offlane, then razor mid etc. (worst days of my dota 2 life) If you are in a tryhard mode you gotta find the best hero for your bracket. Also you can just keep playing and you will leave the 2k bracket at some point, eventually.


        I started with 2500 MMR, only with skill but without knowledge I got a 51% winrate; then I began to read about heroes with high winrate like Omniknight, Silencer (6.83), Abaddon and a situational Wraith King. Those heroes don't require skill, just game sense. And I got 4k. Now I've decided to play as offlaner and my winrate is >56%, because I have a decent hero's pool. Practice makes you stronger, but I suggest you to ask yourself why you can't get more MMR. Maybe at this moment you don't have the skill, but you can practice. People always say that 2k bracket is like an eternal prison, but that's not true at all.


          well, i started at 3k then went to 3.6k (got stuck there for a while) and now im 4.2k. Want some tips on how to improve ? Always have this mindset "Avoid dying" if you feel like you cant get the kill, dont go for it. if u feel like being ganked, hide. dont overextend in clash. etc2. wroked for me. it totally upraded me as a player. but im still not very good tho.

          King of Low Prio

            ^ dont listen to this idiot passive play is awful


              Rtz is only 4 k ? #feelsbadBro


                Well when I first started playing mmr when it came out, I found that playing Nature's Prophet was a good way to increase mmr. Not sure whether that still works these days.

                The few heroes I feel I can play well are - Bounty Hunter, Invoker, Spectre, Nature's Prophet, Lycan, Meepo, Mirana. As told above Bounty Hunter would probably not be a good way to increase my mmr. Could anyone suggest which heroes would be good/not so good for mmr from the above mentioned pool?

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                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                      understand all the roles and lanes ... find the 1 u play the best , improve ur map awareness and game analysis through experince ... ignore toxic player/noob ... don let them affect ur emotional and gameplay

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        play with higher mmr players, get rekt, git gud
                        suddenly games in your mmr are easy


                          @arin That makes a lot of sense actually.