General Discussion

General Discussionwhat made dendi's pudge competetively significant in the past that it...

what made dendi's pudge competetively significant in the past that it actually earned him respect bans? in General Discussion

    But nowadays his pudge appearances are nothing more than exhibition picks?

      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

        He did really good yesterday actually. The problem is they were cought out over extending on serveral occasions and they were punished


          I think it has to do with patches, I remember pudge used to be a lot stronger like 5 patches ago...
          + people rarely dodged back then

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            ^what made pudge strong then(aside from fountain hooking)? isn't he stronger now? And i dont quite get how dodging games has anything to do with this

            Livin' Real Good


              People rarely dodged back then? Really? How is that even an argument. That's like saying " People were much worse at professional dodgeball back then (It exist) cause not many people tried to dodge the balls. " As if everyone was so bad at Dota, they just stood still for Pudge hooks, then one day thought " oh, maybe I should walk to the side when he tries to hook me! Duh! "

              @Captains mode, he wasn't talking about dodging games, he was actually talking about dodging hooks. Lmao

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                Ffs, did u just start playing dota ?
                Back then, with a proper intuition you could be a decent pudge, because people rarely had an active awareness of hooks coming from fow, nowadays much much more people have stapled to they minds "dodge, you never know when its coming !", every time there is an enemy pudge. So nowadays, its much more based on luck than on intuition.

                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                  @yorkey oops

                  @kobby so even the guys who were competetively active had poor dodging sense back then? How long do you reckon did dendi's pudge stayed relevant in the pro scene?

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    @Kobby Obvious RTZ fan gay. No dota game sense. Did you know that most of these guys including Dendi Used to play Dota 1, Which had pudge and the HOOKs, Which is basically 10 years of Pudge ? or did you not know ?

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      Yes, its all about time to adapt... Meta, even on a micro-scale, makes people aware of things that wore neglected before the meta.


                        Dude they've been playing dota for almost 15 years. Whats left to adapt with ? a Simple Move left right thing

                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                          Shouldnt the previous general vision nerf play well into pudge's advantage?


                            Nope, its a disadvantage, cose that leaves more room for hazard/luck.

                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                              What about his recent 1-2-3-hook?


                                Actually it was 1 2 3 4 hooks :)

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  I am not buying these pro gamers suddenly started getting better at dodging . I am sure they were good before as well .


                                    i think he was only picked in the very early years, and when chen bug worked.


                                      I find absolutely nothing special in the way he plays pudge, and his hooks aren't that wow either. Everyone knows how to blink/fs hook.