General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in 2K MMR

Stuck in 2K MMR in General Discussion

    Any Suggestion?

    Player 175043649

      buy account

      Livin' Real Good

        Looks like that's your second account you smurfer. The stats aren't bad at all, you'll probably get out eventually for sure, just be nice to your teammates, and don't be an entitled asshole who thinks he's better than everyone in his MMR bracket, you'll climb definitely. Good luck Mickey mouse.


          play a hero that can farm fast and take towers. 2ks don't push till the 30 min mark. sf and invoker and anti mage are great choices.

          Cosmic Power

            I have same problem. Its realy hard to play with toxic, non tactics and extremly agresive-rush noobs. I think my only chance is to initialy get 3000+ mmr with smurf.


              Ill tell you cosmic power, its still toxic in 3k

              Cosmic Power

                I know .... but not like 2k. Just bunch of retarded agresive idiot with no tactics.


                  well dude , i was literly 2k like bottom of the 2k and i played support most of the time ... then i realized .. my cores are stupid .. really ... sometimes they win because of me as a support ( i usually spammed rubick ) , and after it .. i started to learn meta broken heroes AKA Invoker Sniper Leshrac ... and thats how i got to 4k
                  Learn a broken hero on Bot Game ... learn it good , find out what is good and win a game by yourself ... GL

                  ASSESS Product


                    Just like my friends. He once stuck at 1.5k mmr. But after he learn about current meta hero and try to win the game himself, he manage to raise 2.5k mmr and he is still raising. IMO, he actually deserve at least 3.8k mmr and above.


                      if u are good u will calibrate at 3,5k-4k even if u have below 50% winrate, i guess u just lack skill bro.


                        You have to dominate your games to control them. If you play mid you must kill the opposing mid, if you can't you must kill side lanes. At least one lane must be decisively won by you. Passively hoping someone else will make a difference will not grow MMR. You have to be prepared to take risks, take them, and succeed.

                        If you are a support you must cause a lane to win early and keep the pressure on. If you are not removing enemy heroes from the map you won't get a significant advantage. If you don't take that advantage and turn it into tower kills nothing is gained.

                        You are doing well with OD, SB, and Huskar. Keep playing those heroes. But it takes time. To gain 500 MMR at 60% winrate takes 100 games. If you can only achieve 55% winrate it takes 200 games.

                        All mmr levels are "toxic" in solo ranked. Really its not even a matter of people being nasty - its just the fundemental competativeness of the game. People want to win, even if they sound upset or defeated. They are just feeling the stress.

                        If you want a friendly game of dota, play with friends.

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