General Discussion

General DiscussionSo, Razor.

So, Razor. in General Discussion

    Why isn't he played more in pubs?
    I see a fair amount of Razor games in competitive, but why not in pubs?
    I mean, it's not like he's a difficult hero to understand, you press R, leech carries and hit supports, and win the video game.

    He's also such an amazing hero to play against this meta's popular heroes like OD and Spectre. Without their damage, they're jackshit.
    And he's an amazing tower-melter with Aghanim's as well, so there's that. That 90-something popularity doesn't do justice to the hero lol

      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

        because if you static link OD he loses his dmaage amirite xDD

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          New OD > Razor

          Dire Wolf

            He's awful against spectre and od, two of the least damage dependent carries in game. He is very good against PA, and decent against troll and void. I had success with him a few patches ago when they were popular.

            Venus, MBA

              Remember that a lot of pub players play based the heroes they see make flashy plays in competitive games like Invoker, Ember Spirit, etc.
              Or it's just whatever Miracle plays mid nowadays his fanboys just spam it in their pubs.


                I didn't exactly say that Razor is a counter to OD, it's just easier to deal with OD when almost 200-280 damage is leeched off of him, y'know
                Same goes to Spectre, she has multiple sources of damage, radiance, dispersion and her passive, but if you just disable her rightclick for a teamfight, a huge amount gets knocked off, makes life a bit easier.

                (Of course, Razor falls off hardcore against both these heroes late game, no denying that)

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  Is it because death prophet is similar but better?

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    even doom is a lot better and more flexible