General Discussion

General DiscussionDo lane creeps get stronger?

Do lane creeps get stronger? in General Discussion
stupid fuck 2000

    This is probably a stupid question but w/e. So early in the game a lvl 4 dragon slave will kill ranged creeps every time. However, later on (maybe 25-30 mins into the game) they don't die with one dragon slave even with aether lens. So do they get stronger throughout the game or what? I watched the replay and there weren't any auras around to make them tankier. it's consistent and obviously it wasn't the case of super/mega creeps. This'll be pretty embarassing if it's a commonly known mechanic lol.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      yup they do, at their "final form" they are actually pretty close to mega creeps.
      idr the exact timings tho, u might want to use dota wiki to find info about it.


        no, creeps get stronger, you can click them and see they gain levels.


          but it is time based


            ^Yea just like roshan!

            Dire Wolf

              Yes they do every 7:30. But the wiki doesn't say how much the bonus is.



                They stop getting stronger at 4h or stuff

                stupid fuck 2000

                  Alright, thanks a lot for clearing it up.


                    10 hp (sure)
                    and 1-3 damage somthing like that

                    Dunno on dota2, but on dota, if you were waiting long enough, they were becoming almost as strong as mega (stronger than mega with no upgrade) and super creep were becoming much stronger than mega

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      Every 7½ minutes melee and ranged creeps gain 10 HP and their bounty increases by 1 gold. Melee creeps gain 1 damage and ranged 2. Siege creeps don't get periodically upgraded, you have to take out range rax for that. Also there is no difference between super and mege siege creeps.

                      After nine hours melee and ranged creeps will reach strength of mega creeps without decreased gold and XP bounties. Siege creeps will remain normal.


                        i thought their progress' limit was lower than megas' level, was it changed or am i just wrong?

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          it's never been lower than mega's

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Also super melee creeps gain 2 damage and 19 HP and super ranged creeps gain 3 damage and 20 HP. So if you took some raxes out you can gain pseudo megas faster than 9 hours lol.


                              im confused cz in my perception what u said now contradicts ur previous post

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                It's capped at megas actually. Bounty increases without limit tho.

                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                  ^ Actually I'm not sure about that. I know megas don't grow stronger, but maybe regulars and supers can. 100% sure on bounty tho.

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    Yup I was wrong, regular and super creeps can outpower megas.


                                      So basically after 9 hours its actually better not to go for mega creeps because they'll be weaker then regular or super creeps? Useful knowledge.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I would abandon a 9 hour dota game to poop

                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                          After nine hours: super > regular > megas


                                            I think my theoretical limit would be 6 hours but a lot of things would have to go right for this . It would have to be a weekend night with game starting at 1030 pm and ending at 0430 am , theoretical max right there .

                                            Malcolm Reynolds

                                              At the 80 min mark(ish) lane creeps will become as strong as megas :)