General Discussion

General DiscussionTo those who intentionally feed!

To those who intentionally feed! in General Discussion

    Valve to those who intentionally feed e.g feeding courier should have more severe penalty than others. My suggestion 10 more LP and cant be played after 1 week when the LP is done, That'll teach them a lesson


      Those people usually feed on alternate accounts.


        ur tears fuel me

        me, government hooker

          lmao who feeds couriers in 2016




              Lol im wasting courier at least 3 times every Match and Not even on purpose


                when i saw your location, lol I stopped reading and thought it's normal in SEA.

                Dire Wolf

                  People have fed couriers in back to back games a couple days ago for me.


                    I never seen that shit really rarelly when they abonden and then come back they usually feed...