General Discussion

General DiscussionIdeas for future Dota development

Ideas for future Dota development in General Discussion

    After they add Pit Lord (®: ©1996 - 2014 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.) I think they should have like a creep based hero, like the hero would be the original creep that the dire and radiant cloned. But who cares about me wut bout u cuz?


      Treant and nature's prophet kinda look like the melee and ranged creeps


        So is Pit Lord the only missing hero from the old hero pool ? Or did I forget some other(s)... ?

        Swap Commends

          Osfrog : K


            They were more others old heroes in the old DOTA but those were like the overpowered shit heroes and got remove from the dota like void demon , the gambler and etc


              Next heros should be gaben, icefrog and some hero who gets some Bonus if there are russians in enemyteam


                Force to pause the game like 10 min if someone disconnect. My problem solved