General Discussion

General DiscussionHeart or skadi for spectre?

Heart or skadi for spectre? in General Discussion

    which of the two are better? Dunno what item to pick to make me tank as a spectre.

      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
      Swap Commends

        How can u have 50%- wr with spectre this patch?
        Whats your mmr?

          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
          Venus, MBA

            Skadi if you're having trouble chasing, heart if you need health restoration and tankiness.


              Both so no one could kill you


                skadi is better unless you are super ahead and get like a 20 minute heart

                but only get after butterfly and manta

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  Octarine Core.


                    i played a lot of spectre games during something like 6.84 and then got very low success with it and i was a complete noob back then so that explains low win rate and yeah 2k bracket......when i knew that patch is about to end i just wanna put my spectre win rate at 50% at least :)

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      good luck lol

                      Swap Commends

                        Ok then.U haven't played spectre so much this patch.
                        Both items works.Just focus your early item build & farm (or kill) cuz that determines the game fate in late.
                        Butterfly also works if u see DPS heroes without mkb in team.They gonna miss alot.
                        Also Vang helps u dive under towers & among creeps safer.
                        I choose vang most of the time when the enemy heroes are physical.


                          At first, i randomed Spectre. I didn't know she was a hard carry or what her abilities are and I had to read up on her abilities as the game went on and asked what i should buy. We lost the game but then I did my research and watched videos and studied builds for her and finally i was ready to pick her again. After 2 games i started winning with her, didn't get much kills but always assist and i just kept on winning. There was some games where i lost but we can't win them all right? I have a high winrate with her, think its like 65-70%


                            i usually buy heart when its time to replace urn


                              Oh, coming back to the topic, i would choose skadi over heart because of the stats and slow which works really nice with spectral dagger.

                              fuck Me and Kiss My aSS

                                pls.revenge,,,,,,,,,,because we lost the game butt then i did my research. heart if you need item powerfull there was some game where lost u to pick her again......!!!!

                                whe the cour is back to radiant,

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I think heart usually so you can go regen hp and rejoin fight. Also the difference in hp is more pronounced on spectre cus of dispersion.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    Heart ofc.
                                    What do u think about s&y and manta?
                                    I prefer s&y cuz manta costs too much mana and stats are not good for late game and illu dosnt benfit from any thing and deal low damge.

                                    My build is always like this:
                                    Phase. S&Y. Vangaurd. Heart. Diffuasal blade. RADIANCE

                                    I might sell vang for bkb or mkb or gem or orchid!

                                    Not Trying!

                                      Go heart.. and never go vg.. it just delays ur other item progression.. unless its a bad game and u nid cheap hp to salvage what u can..


                                        Buy a fuck ton of Faerie Fires keep em in stash when fight breaks out tp in with faerie fires and salves and feed em to your team while yelling "SLAHSERS WAYYYY"

                                        Not Trying!

                                          And go manta, late game it is much more beneficial not only coz of ur illu dmg but also because it gives u the option to split push/dodge projectiles. S&y is more mid game oriented if u r at a point whr u r gonna end the game early.. it gives u the slight tankability and maim..

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                          Dire Wolf

                                            I don't think on spec s&y is ever better. Illusions get deso, diffusal and carry radiance aura around.


                                              Illusion does not get deso affect