General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help on item build as drow , with so called bad teammates

Need help on item build as drow , with so called bad teammates in General Discussion

    for this topic ill give an example of match id 2295069202 , my friend is playing drow ranger , he told me its very hard to play if your team wont listen to you , his confident that he can win this match because his playing his favourite hero , unfortunately he lost , can someone care to check the replays while its still available and tell me what item tht drow should have in order to win this match , i need the answer too because i have bad decision making when it comes to buying items , thank you .


      Id say a linkens Sphere atleast, but there isnt much to do vs this lineup if your Team is not doing great. Ck and doom are pretty decent agaisnt drow and so is OD. He should just wait with picking drow until he actually sees what the enemeys picked, the hero is not good enough be able to own every other hero.


        ive finished watching the replays 2 mins ago , here's what happened , looks like lion calls mid , and sniper wants mid too , but sniper then move to top along with drow , and looks like drow got tilted by how sniper dealing with the creeps and drows tp bottom , i knew it , this game is fked up how can u have this kind of bad team , 20 mins into the game, still no wards and sentries and lion had dagon , minutes later opponent jst get pick offs after pickoffs with shadowblade. drow continues to farm . 30 minutes beyond , lion bought ethereal blade. and es bought linkens. the game already look impossible to win, lol.


          The item builds make it look like this is sub 1.5k TBH. IMO the only thing he could do is grab a gem after blink and split push all the time and avoid fights at all cost, also press E all the time.


            thanks luxon . it really made sense actually


     chatlink for the game. so much salt


                the whole point of drow is abusing her early-mid phys dmg.. that lineup is god awful for a drow, that said, maybe go HoD over MoM since the have fairly high dsiable, and Aghs might not have been bad vs CK.

                The biggest problem i see is 0 force staffs vs clockwork... i dont even know how thats possible. assuming drow was getting hooked, she definately wants force over blink i think. its not bad to get both either.

                [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                  How about next time you tell your friend to not pick drow vs a lineup that deals physical damage, has an initiator, has bkb piercing spells or has good laning stage, this is the only way to win with drow


                    IMO the game could turn out well, if u watch the replays, everyone is scared against the drow , but the lack of trust from her team , they didnt stick to push and have u seen the lion .... yeah he told he should have picked ember but he still think the game is loss even he played another hero, since lion wont become someone else even if he picked other heroes, and insisting to go mid


                      sorry for my bad english


                        Your friend is simply a bad drow


                          if u have bad teammates and u try to win the game you have to do right dicisions and thise starts with picking the right hero.
                          If he dont want thise because he want to play drow he should live with it to lose such games.