General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes Which aren't Support but can be converted to support role

Heroes Which aren't Support but can be converted to support role in General Discussion

    Any suggestions?

    How bout night stalker?

    If not mistaken EG used it...


      Most supp role has squishy hp....NS can escape and use his ultimate to do well early and mid

      Dire Wolf

        Pretty much anything, you are looking for heroes that have effective skill sets without farm. There's only a few heroes that don't bring shit to the table without farm like anti mage, PA, slark, spectre. Well ok a lot more than a few.

        But here's some starters for supports.

        Wraith king- durable and his slow after resurrection is really strong, good stun, good aura.
        Gyro- max that fucking missile. Gyro does so much dmg with missile, ult and rockets he can be a pretty good disabling support. Issue is just his range, but he can zone out with missile.
        Ns as you mentioned, good utility spells.
        Sven - more like a 3 spot, like a dual offlaner or something, but he doesn't have to be safe lane. Warcry has great utility and you can get aghs to really buff your team.
        Void - obviously is more of a support than a carry these days
        Lina - effective either role
        Silencer - same
        Magnus - same
        Morphling - I'm not a fan of support morph but 4.25s stun on a 10s cd can't be ignored
        Naga - not a fan but pros make it work
        Alch - not a fan but cask can be quite good
        Invoker - good offlaner in right hands

        And of course a lot of heroes are tweeners to begin with like magnus, slardar, pugna, spirit breaker. They are like lane support strong heroes but they definitely aren't hard carries either.


          Support spectre
          Support OD
          Support medusa

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          sin blyadi

            sven, clinkz, alchemist (but very situational), doom


              Which items do you buy for these heroes?
              I usually go for Mek on Spectre and Dagon on Medusa. But I'm not sure what to buy for OD.

              sin blyadi

                Death prophet

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Why are you bragging about "being able to play support with every hero"? You are ruining the game for your team.


                    @SoulTrap u go dagon of course. Then get bloodstone and suicide in enemy base to send a message. Gg ez

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      This is stupid...
                      When I play unusual support heroes, I try to win.


                        nightstalker indeed is a support, in the first place. sometimes hes played as an offlaner but its pretty unorthodox.


                          Few days ago I played mid for the first time in a year or two. And it was Nightstalker! That was so weird!...

                          Here... Look at my itembuild:

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