General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get 40win streak

How to get 40win streak in General Discussion

    Too bad its all unranked but all were VHS bracket, btw I'm 6k player and its much more easier to win with 4/5 man party Kappa


      4 thumbs up for ya

      Really I'm The Plug

        omg that win streak

        MaD : )

          How to get vhs bracket?what hero?PLS ANSWER TY


            Well played. Especially with variety of heroes u have used to accomplish that.


              with party ... no suprise , noticed that majority of games end in 30mins...


                well played mate. i hope i can be as good as you.


                  Try on solo queue and we'll be amazed.


                    freakin stack abuser, wanna see your ass getting kicked on lan tournament. Nothing to be proud of. Next Vrosnak wannabe

                    sin blyadi

                      dont be afraid to play another one and lose heh


                        "Abandoned" Kappa


                          Yeah shit happens, house was blackout for 2hours NotLikeThis

                          Zorthax Dorn

                            That is wild.

                            I don't get why people get all butt hurt about 4/5 stacking. You realize the game pairs you vs 4/5 stacks as well.

                            It's not his fault the other stack sucks in comparison.

                            Eternal Meow

                              What's stack abusing? Playing with friends is bad?


                                party untanked is poorly balanced for high rated players, not to mention that in most cases 5k+ guys got outdated hidden mmr (my one is nearly 2k below my ranked mmr, f.e.). generally, if u just get a 5k av 5-stack and go unranked, u gonna have ~95% winrate.

                                thats boring, and usually the attitude towards people who do it is negative.

                                party unranked abuse is used quite a lot for dbuff hero rankings, too.

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  What mmr will i get if 65%wining rate?


                                    I once had 40+ ranked winstreak on party mmr. Felt good :)