General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy I can't advance into higher bracket?

Why I can't advance into higher bracket? in General Discussion

    Hello everyone, I have something to ask, as you can see on my dotabuff account, I was placed on "high skill" bracket, even though I have tried hard enough to get into higher bracket. I got decent KDA ratio, XPM, GPM, as suggested. Then why I'm not yet advance into higher bracket?
    Is there something wrong?
    Or I need to keep playing?
    Is different heroes matter here?

    Thanks for your help before.


      make a new account


        and play more heroes rather than spamming your jugg


          You tend to have low last hits in 30-50 min games on average and your damage is sometime low. You shouldnt be in VHS if you're not good enough... just practice on getting better and it'll come.


            If u can't make it into a higher bracket then you deserve to be where you are.


              Mmr system is at work


                @trigger, I will do it later.

                @DAN, is that so? 'kay then, I will try harder, thanks dude.

                @Blue, maybe you're right.

                Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                  Spamming a hero is fine. As long as you enjoy playing it. Don't spam meta hero .. People spam meta heroes , win and they think they are good are just plain retarded.
                  I don't get why people want to play in VHS .. just play the game and have fun.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  D the Superior
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                    just another typical day

                      just play offlane role everytime, u can assure assist, kills rather than carry who needs to farm until gets fats, or what i am saying is just participate every time do not flame, tp if needed, losing the game doesnt bother hidden mmr, as long as u have high damage dealt etc.

                      lm ao

                        go normal and incorporate yourself into the social relevance

                        stop watching anime, smoke weed everrrrrrry day


                          you play 1 hero and you're from SE-A

                          AMERICA=1 south africa=0

                            NO HERO DAMAGE, THATS WHY


                              help me out too .
                              This is getting too much now


                                is there anyway your solo gets affected if you have already calibrated party mmr ?




                                    hey man ! i moved to VHS . finally . Uhh
                                    @triplesteal is there a particular amount of games i have to have played in VHS before lvl 50 to start at 3.9 in calibartion ?


                                      no, it only depends on how well u perform,


                                        @YATARA . if you havent calibrated party mmr yet . you can go to yasp and get an almost accurate hidden mmr . once its near 3.7 you naturally advance to VHS


                                          not really but if u want to be sure go play a few more games cos sometimes u'll be bumped to a higher bracket when there isnt enough people in matchmaking


                                            @triplesteal ive already smurfed and had this problem earlier too . even though i was in VHS . but i had just recently like 10 games been in vhs . so i felt confident and on lvl 13 went for ranked . I ended up starting in HS.


                                              Have good gpm
                                              Dont really sacrifice farm for kills unless you are sure that you can kill him fast
                                              Good hero damage and cs


                                                @CatOntheMoOn, Well, for now, I'm really enjoying where I'm placed (this HS bracket). Just curious and want more challenge.

                                                @Its Baba, yes, I'm not yet calibrating solo or party mmr, that's why now I'm trying to use different hero that can fill my gap (deals much hero damage). Maybe need more games to get the result.


                                                  i really hate my current game and i donno how should i play ... always carries team + jungler and even support ks farm from carry,putting carry solo safelane / no chick/no ward / no roam/thrower...vhs game still suck for no reason, its just my bad luck or i really doing very bad but y i losing streak like hell still stay vhs idea


                                                    look at ee twitter

                                                    look at ee stream

                                                    look at ee vods

                                                    Meat Spinner

                                                      If u want I can give this smurf of mine to you ! Add me incase u want


                                                        hey guys can anyone teach me how to get to high and higher bracket
                                                        For eg what gpm and kda do u need to get


                                                          @D'ScareCrow I wouldnt mind you giving it to me :P

                                                          Meat Spinner

                                                            @south american superstar
                                                            Add me ill gve u !

                                                            Meat Spinner

                                                              @south american superstar
                                                              Add me ill gve u !


                                                                @DScare, Well, I need to get there with my own skill, maybe you can gift that to the others :D


                                                                  Isn't this skill stuff related to the match ? I guess it's not about a player, but about the match. idk, if someone knows post :>


                                                                    The ultimate question is why do you all want to advance into higher bracket? Games will become more difficult, thus not as much fun.
                                                                    I just don't get these threads, why would everyone want to be in highest bracket? Is it something to do with the e-peen, like it was in cs:go with everyone wanting to be global elite until it lost its meaning and every average player was global elite getting rekt by real global elites? Being in normal or high skill is nothing to be ashamed of, and unless you have 70%+ winrate I don't see how you are not enjoying games in the skill bracket you currently play.