General Discussion

General DiscussionOkay can anyone give like a guide to LC?

Okay can anyone give like a guide to LC? in General Discussion

    Im not that good with her but I know how to play her so just bit bad put some tips here ty items to build ect..


      Snowball, E,w,q,e,w,r,e,w,e,q,r,e,q,q,stats,r,stats.....
      Blademail, blink first,
      assault curiass, deso, mkb mid- late


        By far my most played hero. Love her and her versatility. These are generally the items I go, but you have to remember to fit your build to the game, and you might need to change it. A good example would be BKB; since every game is different, you might need a really early BKB, a later one, or you might never need to actually buy a BKB.

        LC is one of the best junglers in the game. That being said, jungling LC is typically not ideal, but totally pays off at lower skill levels. Build in jungle is maxing Moment of Courage first, followed by maxing Press the Attack, and getting Duel whenever possible. When jungling, I typically skip Overwhelming Odds altogether for stats unless I really need it to defend high ground early. I start with tangoes and an iron talon, and farm the two medium camps of whichever jungle you end up getting. I build treads immediately, followed by blink dagger. I can normally hit blink around the 9-12 minute mark depending on the jungle camps and how well the safelane is doing. One very important thing with jungling: as soon as you hit level 6, pick up a duel level, save mana for Press the Attack and Duel, and head to the safelane. If the enemy offlaner is out of position, a duel win is piece of cake easy, and the 10 bonus damage will speed up your farm and start your snowballing. If the enemy offlaner is playing smart and safe, don't waste too much time and continue jungling. My items normally go: treads -> blink -> blade mail -> BKB -> AC/Deso/Moon Shard/Mjolnir/Daedulus/Satanic/Heart/Silver Edge.

        Mid: Playing mid LC is very different from jungle LC. You're going to want to start with a point in Moment of Courage, and legitimately just right click the opponent mid. Be safe about doing this, and make sure you will not die. I normally start with Stout Shield and Tangoes, and get a bottle immediately. Max Overwhelming Odds first, followed by Press the Attack, then Moment of Courage, getting Duel when possible. After bottle, I normally find that treads -> blink is the way to go, and try to coordinate ganks with your teammates to start your snowballing. The item build after bottle is pretty much the same as jungle. Mid LC is very powerful in the right hands, however will result in feeding or playing much too safe if done improperly.

        Offlane: LC works well in both solo and dual offlanes. Against a weak support, LC stomps the enemy safelane. I normally start with a Stout Shield, a salve, tangoes, and two iron branches. The skill build for offlane is the same as for mid. As for items, I typically build a Ring of Basilius to help out with mana in the early game, although as offlane LC you will find yourself very mana starved without a bottle, and its up to you whether or not it is worth it. After that, the item build is practically the same.

        Safelane: LC definitely is not the best safelaner, and this farm should typically be given to a better carry. If your team really needs a safelaner though, LC will do the job. The build is basically the same as offlane.

        I offlane LC probably 50% of the time, and I find it is usually the most effective if you can zone the enemy safelaner. If not, it isn't all that great. About 30% of the time I jungle LC. I am around 4k right now, and this still works surprisingly well. However, I would recommend not doing this if the enemy has invis heroes, or you have no supports to ward for you. The other 20% of the time I go mid LC, and I find it about as effective as a successful offlane with an average 4k mid opponent. With a worse opponent, it can be extremely easy to snowball from this position, however with a stronger opponent, it can be less effective.

        I hope this was helpful and informative. If you want any other information feel free to ask.

        Fee Too Pee

          73 Percent winrate VHS LC here . just go offlane , stout wand pt and then buy armlet . MAX UR FUCKING Q . lvl 3 u can trade hits and ez early kill with boots + Skill 1 mov speed. make sure their carry have to meet ur autoattack when try to last hit.

          and then with armlet + skill 2 you will be surprised that the fucking tower will go down very quickly and let you solo duel wins . at this stage chase with your q , and duel them with your buff skill 2 . rushing dagger is situational for me

          after armlet go dagger after that items will be situational
          either : no duels win early = deso
          disabler = bkb
          duels win + no disabler = straight cuirass


            Never fully discount Necronomicon on these Str semicarries, its a very good item against some lineups. Duel is kind of like Shadow Shaman's Shackles or Bane ulti, where you can just wail on them with your necro units until they die.

            lm ao

              4 letters

              Mike Wazowski..!

                @kryptnyt Necronomicon lol.. Is that what they do in normal skill?!


                  Don't forget to build skills according to enemy lineup too, if they have brood or furion max your q first, this demolishes their pushing strength. Also, don't forget your w dispels most negative buffs, use it to help your slowed or stunned teammates. If they have tons of burst damage, aghs is a worthwhile investment.