General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease Take A Look At My Games.

Please Take A Look At My Games. in General Discussion

    Will I ever Get into high MMR?

    I am 1.8 I truly think that I am getting good....I calibrated lower I raised little by little tho...

    Take a look at my heroes played and recently played games.

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    lm ao

      yes ull climb a bit highre from your original rating


        you had recently winning streak but you have to prepare for losing streak now. Your stats are belong to normal MMR.
        It is kind a wierd how sometimes you are paired with noobs, leavers and feeders who prevent you from a win.

        I am also surprised about your winning streak. You were definitely not a guy who won the game.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        great expectations

          pamela anderson fan? wtf just kill urself right now


            ^well with my set of heroes with no hard carry I dont think I can si glehandedly carry the game...I never play AM Alchemist or any hard carries that much

            Well thats my skill bracket

            I practice new heroes of course Im not carrying...I just can play 4-5 heroes comfortably....16 that I can play with

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              Its suppose to be a joke pic


                Im not a fan..there was somebody I know from college where during intro of junior to senior they have to wear name tag with somebody famous...that guy have Pamela's I use her pic its kinda funny


                  I think that you belong to 2k bracket. I am also not playing hard carry very often...currently i am playing more support, but you need to improve your GPM, XPM if you want to go more up. Play more high impact heroes. Techies is really loser hero.

                  As i told, prepare for losing streak now


                    Danny from youtube played Techies in 6k MMR...Wagamama played that too... every hero in Dota requires certain practice imo......I created space for other teammates while they bought sentries and delay their items...I dont pick Techies to blow up people


                      When you are playing techies you are definitely rely on your teammates. If they are not good, you will lose game so fast. Maybe you are trying to be useful, but still they are only 4v5 in the battle. I don´t like techies in my games.


                        You are entitled to your opinion tho...


                          Comment pls


                            If you have positive winrate in ranked you will raise in mmr. Over the long run. I'm dumb, hate math, havent studied 1 single day in 10 years and yet I figure that out. Why you need these posts all day long, really, why? Keep playing, if the winrate evens out you'll stay until you improve.

                            So yes, if you keep winning more then losing it would be very odd if you eventually don't reach higher brackets, but if you're not improving once there you will go straight back because the players are better. It's not just about playing dota, you need to learn more stuff too.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Mike Wazowski..!

                              Learn to play cores who can split push easily and still fight with the team and stuff.. Spectre Jugg Sven Slark etc.. Playing support , or techies for the matter in normal skill is gonna get you nowhere because every game you go into you must assume you are paired with a bunch of idiots.. Stick to a set of heroes.. Dont look for too much versatality.. Learn the mechanics of all the heroes you play really well.. Always try to win your lane.. Take fights which ONLY benifit you.. Dont die a lot.. If 1 idiot is gonna die, let him die, if he starts flaming you, mute him.. Play your game.. Watch higher level games and take note of the lanin phase specially.. You must know how to abuse a person's mistake.. For eg, if there is a slark in your lane who wasted a pounce, you have to kill him in the next 20 secs before he gets pounce again, or you must atleast force him to use up his regen.. Lane control can get you to alot of places in low MMR.. Play strong laners who also transition well into late game, easy win.. Stop playing supports, its gonna get you nowhere.. You can play supports after you hit 3.5k, where people actually play to win..


                                What are the heroes that can help me own start from mid game? Late game heroes like Spectre need good teammates too to help hold on to the game...Ok Jug sven and Slark check... but are there anymore?

                                Mike Wazowski..!

                                  You have to play Spectre smartly.. Get decent lane farm, not get stomped in lane, and farm in places without dying and take fights which benifit you..


                                    noway u can play support after you hit 3.5k ... even in 3.8k just lots of retard that like to pick carry but cant farm well even winning like hell, this is the reason why i don learn to be a better supporter (what can you do if your hard carry is really suck so hard), even i playing semi carry sometimes hard carry cant farm well / throw the game, thats y i playing pos 1/2/3 only ... hope that i can get some place where ppl is worth to be support by me ..