General Discussion

General DiscussionI got low priority because assholes report me for shadow blade and Ki...

I got low priority because assholes report me for shadow blade and Killstealing in General Discussion

    I literally don't say a single word in my games so not comm abuse.
    I usually have the least deaths, so not feeding.
    I never troll teammates or trap them with my abilities, so no ability abuse.

    There's literally no option for "Killstealing" because it's a fucking team game where the carry's supposed to get the kill, and I'm a carry.

    And you know what, I know shadow blade isn't meta but if I have 3x your kills and half your deaths, pls just stfu. Thx)))

    This is literally BS.

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    Johnny Rico

      Fee Too Pee

        maybe start hitting a tower with rapier help
        u want to farm forever?

        Btw congrats i hate your whining piece of shit

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          wow i'd report you to


            You literally had 41 kills as riki, with 230 tower damage................. ( AND YOU LOST ROFL)

            and when the game was over you still had your rapiers.. meaning you literally just walking around invis, get a kill, then you do absolutely nothing, i wouldn't report you because i'd carry and win, but wow you are just pure shit.


            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            > Whoops

              Aight, now I'm not really sure if this guy is trolling or has just escaped the psychiatry and still shits in the wardrobe because he is that fucking retarded.


                I am seeing this idiot all over the forum endlessly whinningh abt how he is the "carry" and has absolutely 0 knowledge..he thinks by picking riki and raking up on kills he is a very highly skilled player.. honestly dude..u have been killinrikiwinriki in most of ur games and u still have a 20%+ winrate.. think abt it.. u r dng so many things wrong.. learn dota before u whine away..

                Dire Wolf

                  cus u guys keep replying to his threads. If this thread had zero replies he might go away eventually

                  Johnny Rico

                    dire but it is funny m8


                      So when are we getting this guy permabanned?

                      > Whoops
                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı



                            well deserved.


                              Low prio is where you should be playing 24/7 actually. Happy for everybody that doesnt have to play with you.

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                Actually, no.

                                You see, you can't call the cops on someone you just don't like if they're not breaking the law. Reporting someone for building shadow blade is the equivalent of calling the cops on that guy who (legally) buys (name car brand you don't like here) just because you don't like the cars he's buying.

                                About killstealing, remember, in football/soccer, you can't report a teammate for kicking the ball into the goal, you can't say "omg goalstealing, reported". The referee would laugh into your face.

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  Just play the way you want to play


                                    How come you get Riki even in single draft :O

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                    Swap Commends

                                      If u got out of Lp,be sure to keep that shadow blade going on rikki

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        your really the definition of someone to report, playing team death match in a team game and basically ruining the end of a game so easily in the bag. You couldn't be bothered not to stop your cheese and get serious, you had your fun at the expense of others and its time to win the game and give back to your teammates.

                                        classic dota saying "kill score and farm do not matter, its about taking the ancient.

                                        you come up with these analogies of kill steals and soccer goals, but your more like the guy who couldn't be bothered to even walk back on defense but gets a few goals and say welp i did perfect you guys fucked up.

                                        i bet you have alot of conversations "why do i have so many kills in a game and we still lose, why does no one want to be on my team?"
                                        and the proof is right there 34% win rate..............if everyone says your the problem, well your the problem. enjoy your scrub games, you'll never make it up to my mmr bracket thank you Dota Gods.

                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                          Well you know what, while I'm deleting enemies, if you're too bad to do anything and push afterwards, it's your fault not mine. I'm doing my part by keeping enemies dead and staying alive.


                                            You get a 34% with a hero youre spamming in a MMR-bracket where said hero is considered a pub-stomper. Your playstyle is obviously wrong, you get reported for ruining games, you'll eventually be the lowest mmr-player in the whole world if you continue with your bullshit. I really don't see a problem, low prio was designed for people like you and I'm sure everybody is happy that you're in there. PS: Have fun getting out with your 34% winrate.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            Dark Hunter

                                              ^If you want to play like that you're better of playing Call of Duty. And go whine on their forums. Its a team game. Either you play together and push together. Or you play alone and lose. Its simple.

                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                It's a team game where each player has their job.

                                                I'm the kill securer, I secure kills.

                                                Our team would have a pusher, a support, etc too.


                                                  please make a twitch stream of u playing, also use a mic and blame a lot, om gonna enjoy see u raging and losing, sadly 4 guys are gonna be fucked up every game :(

                                                  Mad Scientist

                                                    You are not a fuking carry. even if your hero was something like medusa/spectre as long as you buy such idiotic items you are not a carry and you have no rights to steal also im sure u just stay invis near to ppl fighting and use your dagon to last hit. i hope you stay in low pri forever. fuking troll

                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                      It's okay I have 5 smurfs)

                                                      < blank >

                                                        I think this guy want to seek attention of all building items or kill stealing is not crime or etc etc but with those items and kills and d way u said if u are a kill securer why can't u be a match securer? let it u have brain that got -ve cranial capacity. if I were valve I would had deleted the game after seeing ur match ( not so serious)

                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                          Well, fuck you if you care about killsteal, it's a team game. Besides, I'm usually playing carry.


                                                            waiting for the team to do most of the damage isnt being a carry

                                                            Hobo Brown

                                                              The best part is a person on the radiant abandoned, so it was 5v4 for part of the game.


                                                                his starting items on ursa is a TP scroll. he goes to blame a gryo for not have a stun and not sharing tango because he is support

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  You contradict yourself so much. It's a team game yet killing blows matter more than winning. This guy wants to stay this low you have to actually try to be this bad

                                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                    At least I'm not Normal Skill in 2000 matches axaxa)))

                                                                    Bile JAR

                                                                      Why do you build a Dagon on every hero LOL. Dagon is useless.

                                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                        Secure kills so that I can buy other items.


                                                                          mate will you please just give up. These posts and these ridiculous ideas you have just aren't working. 33% win rate????????????? Does this not ring any bells mate?

                                                                          I don't see any games where anyone has dotabuff but you. Are you playing below 1k. I bet you are as most of them don't even know what dotabuff is.

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                            They don't.

                                                                            Ursa: "Let me mid I have a 5 kda average as Ursa mid"

                                                                            I say "link to your dotabuff"

                                                                            "whats dotabuff"


                                                                              nice seeing u feed with other heroes... ur no longer permanently invisible lol..

                                                                              Ha HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa HahHa Hah


                                                                                Sick winrate mate.

                                                                                @BigJoe ROFL

                                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                  nice legion commander kda)


                                                                                    With that winrate and hero choice Im gonna report you too lol


                                                                                      This is why I report people.


                                                                                        guys its ok I have decided to make the long awaited movie to this retard, when i was watching him play I saw the best blink from him xD


                                                                                          Reprotted Es mrda

                                                                                          TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                                            I remember back in the day when some of my friends were watching some kid play rikimaru in dota 1. One of them said "hey, did you know if you built lothar's edge(shadow blade) on riki he gains immunity from true sight?"
                                                                                            He might have overheard us and sure enough he built SB. Walked through an enemy tower so confidently til he was raped by the enemy team. We laughed like asthmatic dogs. Good times.

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              Just checked low priority games from #TheLegend

                                                                                              Phantom Huskar Build: Tranquility Boots, Shadow Blade, Dagon 3
                                                                                              Phantom Abbadon Build: Boots, Shadow Blade, Dagon 3
                                                                                              Phantom Ursa Build: Dagon 1, Shadow Blade, Blink

                                                                                              God dammit thats one hell of a commitment.

                                                                                              > Whoops

                                                                                                ^ gotta get dem dagons


                                                                                                  Hahahahah you wont even come out of low now hahah :D

                                                                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                    You need to realize that you're not required to build the "norm". You can build whatever you want, and the fact that I do better than all my teammates shows that its not a troll build.

                                                                                                    So fuq em.

                                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      yeah 0 tower dmg is sure doing better than all your teammates. But like I said this guy doesn't actually want to win, he just plays for fun.