General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does the ti qualifiers work?

How does the ti qualifiers work? in General Discussion

    Does the team have to all be in the same country or is region alone fine? Like can I team with pinoys/indons/viets/thais to participate in SEA qualifiers when I'm from Singapore or do we all have to be Singaporeans??

    Bad Intentions

      Ofcors mann its like the olympics! 😨


        No rules, the games are on that server that's all

        Nationality is irrelevant


          Open qualifiers for Majors (including TI) are hosted via faceit. Faceit doesnt let you to play outside of your region, I suppose - like, I only have access to EU/CIS events there. However, if you gonna register urself with incorrect nationality initially, you'll get to play in some other region, but in this case you wont be able to play in yours one.

          The regions are huge and include a lot of countries, and all the people from your team belong to Sea region, as far as I understand, so you should be fine.

          IDK what gonna happen if you win NA open and then regional quals as full-sea team, though. it never came to my mind that you can choose to play on another server than the one that offers you the lowest ping.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            TI is not World Cup.


              world cup??

              thanks zenoth and triple for answering

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                I mean, you don't represent countries. You are merely 5 people playing in the same team, you could all be from different countries.


                  ^but u kinda represent regions, cz the slots that each region gets are limited, and it would be weird if one of the lets say EU slots will be taken by a NA team

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    But NA slots get taken by EU teams.


                      Last year mouz played in na bec they thought its easier there for them,didnt they?