General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get high skill

How to get high skill in General Discussion

    last 2 months i try to get high skill on dotabaff, but I can't (current mmr is 2.5k). Can you give me some advices.


      As a Darksouls Veteran I have useful wisdom to share with you my friend:

      "Get Gud"

      Yours sincerly


        stop smurfing


          i am very interested in how to ascend normal skill level bracket as well. happy to learn from someone in those brackets


            A player that's was 2k MMR or lower that made it to 4k MMR has better experience of the game compared to ppl that smurf (including me but planning to stop and stick to my main)and get 4k MMR after tbd


              keep playing and improve


                high skill on dotabuff is 3.2k+ mmr. So how to get there? Get at least 700+ more mmr. Win more games, its obvious what you have to do.