General Discussion

General DiscussionOhMySoviet - Some Brood advice please! :)

OhMySoviet - Some Brood advice please! :) in General Discussion

    Could you please answer a few questions regarding your Brood games as she is a hero I would like to try spam if I get nice results with!

    1. Do you go offlane with her only, and what do you do if you cannot get offlane solo? (The games I play its a 50/50 chance to have a jungler, never a trilane)

    2. Are there certain heroes that just make you say "fuck this, not picking brood into this"?

    3. Ever take an early point into bite? And do you go early Orb of Venom?

    Thanks a million.

    PS, if anyone else has input, feel free to share!



      Legion is annoying to lane against, makes shit very hard do deal with.

      Axe is annoying but just dont attack him with the spiders, just ult and manfight solo.

      Zeus for obvious reasons.

      Lina, Gyro, ES, WR, DP. If they put AoE antipush against you it fucks up your day


        I would rush soulring, brownboots straight into orchid...some people go vlads and sure its nice for pushing but it wont really help you get kills like a fast orchid will and you can push towers extremly well without vlads aura.


          Bump for Soviet to see :)


            He goes either mid/offlane. seems to be mostly mid for unranked and off for ranked

            If you're a good brood, it doesn't matter what heroes they pick because at higher MMR 5K~, if you fuck their carry for the first 10 minutes, you usually win.

            You never take an early point into bite because there is no need to. You want to max spiderlings accept and not getting webs lowers your farm/versatility (5 webs can cover the jungle leaving u 3 webs to lane)

            Btw, you can jungle brood by cliff jungling then rushin sr into whatever, to put into perspective how fast a brood farms, you can get a 11 min radiance without kills/runes

            im not very good at using brood itself but i know how the hero works, if you're wondering about my mmr, 5k so its not dumpster advice

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              1º broodmother is a offlaner heroe but if you have a lot aoe who can fuck you, mid lane is really easy to fuck normal heroes at early. When enemies rotate, you have 2 or 3 kills on you and lvl 7 aprox. Example:

              If you have jakiro, sven and lina. For sure you will feed like a stupid, that is why sometimes i go mid. But for another example if they have luna, jakiro and dazzle. if you play super agressive at level 3, you will win the lane really quickly and easily and much more in your bracket (im talking about 5 - 6k enemies)

              and yes broodmother i a heroe solo, requires a lot exp

              2º at 1 v 1 legion comander and bristleback are pretty hard. Legion comander is maybe the cancer of broodmother, but usually i play defensive waiting my ganks and when my team ganks me i kill her pretty. +plus against darkseer, axe or tidehunter i farm every time on enemy jungle (no block pull you will fuck your self)


              early Rushing soul ring ( i not buy tangos ) orb of venom, bassilus, orchid, phase, aquila, bkb, sange yasha in that order. next items are situationally, if you have ilutions = batlefury or radiance, if you have pa = mkb, or if you have void buterfly (buterfly works greats every time)

              good luck


                Thanks a million! First game was rubbish duo offlane, 2nd game rape midlane! Will continue and see, great fun!