General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy 2.5k ~ 3.5 is harder to climb than 1k & 2k ?

Why 2.5k ~ 3.5 is harder to climb than 1k & 2k ? in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    I have made my way from 1.7 to 2.5 after I really decided to climb and win.Currently owning 54% wr in ranked.
    When I was in 1k & 2k hell,people really wanted to climb,really wanted to win,they bust their ass and try hard to dominate the game no matter how.
    But now,it seems people don't even want to win,let alone lack of skills & knowledge of the game .They don't care about the draft,counter pick,supporting & etc.Most are "I want to try this hero first time,fuck the rest". Even picking 1v9 heroes is really hard to go.

    Reasons according to my thoughts :

    1. Majority of the community includes 2.5k ~ 3.5k.Accepting the fact that a considerable part of it is toxic (by toxic I mean bad in both behavior & skill),you probably encounter more of them than usual.Also there is a higher chance to team with stacks of 2 or 3,knowing the MMR gap is huge.

    2. I noticed most of players I play with or against are low level accounts.This brings two theory :
    - They are failed smurfs falling down,usually have very low wr.
    - They are bought accounts that hit the wall and now falling down (have very low wr).

    ~3k average games are really hard to climb.

    Bad Intentions

      Its 90% of the population man, thats really tough since the consistency is way too unpredictable. People can have good games, but consistently good games is what separate the men from the boyz :]

      Swap Commends



          why is a better bracket with better players (despise still being bad) harder to climb than worse matches with worse players?

          no clue better hire a fucking private detective

          edit: on a better note I'll actually answer for you real

          because 3k is where most smurf accounts land on after calibration

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            bought accounts in 3k? i dont think there are many..

            like Intentions says, there are SO many players in that bracket... your going to get a bunch of casual players and good or awful people. a lot more variance.


              I'm 3.5 and I've actually stepped onto a few buys, maybe they're 2k's buying like 4-5k mmrs and drops hard or maybe 1-2k player think 3.5k is high and buy those accounts idk, but there are buyers for sure in every mmr over normal bracket.


                yeah right? i get around 70-80% wnrate coming from 1.2k to 2k but now in 2.4k, im struggling XdXd


                  u gotta prove now that you are really entitled to your new mmr

                  Swap Commends

                    Any tips how to climb ?

                    Bad Intentions

                      ^just simply learn to dominate man :] just learn to dominate :]


                        get a ladder man or a stepping stool if u cant reach it


                          yeah people are totally buying 2k and 3k accs

                          Holy Roman Empire

                            @OP actually you just need to improve your mechanics/ map awareness. I can tell you wont climb with that spectre farm for example. I started to get the feel of climbing when I started to play CM coz of less junglers, less flamers and game is more focused on counter picking and getting good picks rather than what you said.


                              "Any tips how to climb ?"

                              pick sven go safe lane and ask support to help zone offlaner.

                              get treads dominator, max ur cleave by 7, stack ancients at :52 with dom. creep.

                              kill creep wave quick then go wipe out jungle camps or just stack them.

                              once ancients at 3-4 stack wipe them out with ult, use dominator creep to tank with warcry.

                              get s&y then blink or shadowblade, you can fight when you need to, and push super fast.

                              bkb, crits, satanic, moonshard, BoTs, whatever items you need for the game, just keep farming and fighting.

                              you will reach a point around 25 minutes where you can kill everyone in 3-4 hits each and take rax in 15 seconds.

                              Even if you fall behind you can catch up and sven is still super strong in a long game.

                              There are tons of high lvl players you can watch for examples, or you can see how a 4k shitstain does it.

                              Mr. Pickles

                                Coz all players wants to carry. Very rare to have a pro or good support in that tier. 3.2k to 3.5 is quite actually good and easy to climb up dont stock between 2.5 to 3k thats hard.

                                Mr. Pickles

                                  Im saying about sea server

                                  Swap Commends

                                    Note :
                                    I never mentioned people are buying 2k or 3k accounts.What I said was people buy 4k+ accounts for exp and they fall down,to 3k, 2.5k,sadly this will cost others to lose.

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