General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do I feel like I'm always going to lose! I have a good winrate bu...

Why do I feel like I'm always going to lose! I have a good winrate but games are draining me now. in General Discussion

    Even with my 60% winrate in the past 3 months and 56% overall, I still fill like I'm going to lose at the start of every game. Alot of games my team starts horrible or picks quite badly. I manage to win alot of games with comebacks and not stomps. take this game from yesterday 40,000 xp disadvantage, Most likely would of lost if DP didn't disconnect.

    And a few of my slark games the pressure is to much for me. Being the main hero to look out for, if i make 1 mistake the entire team gets rolled.

    DAY 1098(2k to 6k)

      Just keep calm and focus on ur farming. And also keep an eye on your enemy carry and try smoke ganking him. So that u have more chances of winning lategame. And out of my expirience if u kill the mid hero like a 5 or 6 times in 20 min mark u will surely win the game.

      Bad Intentions

        Yo swirl, sup man, maybe ur just facing better competition? Sometimes games are hard wen dat happens man


          It's just because you know that eventually the game is going to try and enforce a 50% winrate on you and try to lump you with teams where it is literally impossible to win. Basically it's the anxiety of the upcoming losses. Pretty much similar situation to me. Over the past 2 months since the games last attempt at enforcing a 50% winrate I've had 19 wins and 6 losses (75% winrate). I don't even want to play because I know when the eventual losing spree comes it will be so tilting to me. Each win is less enjoyment for the win and more fear building for the eventual loss. This game has developed the perfect form of psychological abuse.


            yeah me too man,


              I'm starting to slow down on the mmr grinding since well when you climb 2000 mmr you start to meet your match. Now i need to adapt to mmr ranges like the 2.6k I've been on for the past week


                Same here. And it's even worse for me.
                Basically played support from the start, but then after i reached steady 60% winrate, the game seems to "enforce" me to play carry which i don't really comfortable with


                  all the things that make u feel like u gonna lose the game (poor picks, bad team communication, weird item choices, etc.) are actually bullshit and barely matter. stay positive.

                  [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                    All that matters in the game is the amount of dank memes you can spam during tactical pauses


                      when u feel it, don't play


                        there is no such thing as enforced 50%.

                        the system puts you in a game where it THINKS you have a 50% chance to win. if you are RATED 4500 mmr, but are TRUELY a 6000 mmr player, then the game will put you in a game vs. 4.5k because that's what it thinks is fair, but since you are TRUELY 6000 mmr the game should be easy and your chance to win should be like ~75%.

                        it's only 50% chance to win if you are already at your deserved MMR. I have 54/55/59/65% win rate in the last 12/6/3/1 months. So I'm just going up faster and faster. This system you talk of doesn't exist.


                          "And a few of my slark games the pressure is to much for me. Being the main hero to look out for, if i make 1 mistake the entire team gets rolled."

                          Maybe you need a core player who's willing to initiate and take risks. A team of only 1 initiator, 1 ganker (who can reliably only disables 1 person), 1 defensive support, and a mid hero who is as afraid of dying as you are may be "standard / pro" DotA, but it's incredibly fragile. If one person doesn't play well and the enemy has any reasonable strategy, your team will be destroyed.
                          At the level you and I are at, enemy teams are not good at punishing greed. Teams are probably stronger if your team has another core or initiator over that defensive support. Mid / offlane / jungler should be a L6 ganker, not a farmer. Extra aggression = more enemy deaths / destroyed towers = more space for your slark to farm or gank because a L6 big-ult carry or initiator will die in your place. It's also more foolproof (because it's less likely for both initiators or L6 gank carries to be bad and even if you do die and feed, as long as your teammates can get those revenge kills, your team will have extra core heroes to fight late-game).

                          Honestly, this feeling of "why are we losing at 15 minutes" is prety much every game where I play Lifestealer, Weaver, TA, MEdusa, Spectre, or any other #1 carry. It's mostly because if I don't dominate my lane and gank everything, I need to farm and force the rest of the team to fight 4v5. Be fearless and trust your teammates can defend 4v5 (if you insist on farming for another 10-15 minutes) or join the fights (if it is clear you MUST shut down the enemy snowball carry immediately). As long as you have the harder carry, there's really nothing to fear. I've won games with WK or Spectre down 1-2 rax.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            MARLAN.... There is forced balance in game (or 50% as some say)

                            If u are better than your bracket u will have a temporary better win rate eg. 60%, till u reach a point when enemies will be same skilled or even better than u and in long term u will eventually start losing more and maintain approximetly 50% WR.

                            If u get better u will repeat that process once again.

                            If u take a 2 weeks break u will drop to your previous skill range cos ure not that good anymore.

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