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General Discussion6.5K Coaching + Daily Videos

6.5K Coaching + Daily Videos in General Discussion




      can you teach me how to pick sven?

      you felled off

        @Hatsune i don't play with the people i coach personally because i feel like it's a waste, we just do replays/1v1s/live games etc.
        @whydowefall xd
        @soultrap your hotkeys/camera setup really don't matter that much so long as you can move your camera. i'm talking about how often/effectively you physically move your camera around in fights in order to gather information.
        @Defianc3 you pick sven by just picking him lmao. counterpicks/drafting are really not important in pubs if you're on a hero that can farm well and hit buildings

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          hello sir i have question. i am a carry user. but not like Miracle or Arteezy who was born as a Carry. i go out when my 1 core item is done. before that i just standing still in my lane. bcoz i feel not confident when i dont have core item to begin clash. the problem is the gold gain between me standing in lane and enemy that can kill my team in other lane are more on enemy side. so when i go
          out to clash they have more advantage. how to deal with my ego or any suggestion with my gameplay.


            Good videos mate! Thank you.

            you felled off

              @Exorcist just from briefly looking at your profile, your last hit counts are quite low (even in your wins). it's kinda lame, but i definitely recommend just focusing 100% on farming and pushing towers until you significantly increase your cs counts.

              @Eggard thanks dude

              < blank >

                How do I play Storm above 5k?

                you felled off

                  @Aimstrong you probably just don't unless you're sumail :P realistically tho i think you might have to go safelane and do some midas shit, i'm not sure honestly. i don't recommend playing him until he's buffed unless ur a god


                    How do u play lifestealer jungle - position 4 with vlds,etc and core with midas,sny,basher,AC etc. Which is better and in what situations ?

                    you felled off

                      lifestealer jungle doesn't farm quickly enough to be useful imo, but i would probably just do some kind of radiance build and abuse the ancient dragon creep to farm/push out waves. u cna probably go ac/vlads or something afterward but idk, it's a weird hero.


                        what should i not be doing im my ranked 2.7k mmr games


                          good material, u have any feedback about ur students?

                          mmr climbs and stuff?


                            btw OP, ur really good at telling ppl stuff

                            ive already subscribed to ur channel and ive watched a couple of ur videos already

                            i thought i was gonna get bored to death when i saw the video duration was ranging from 40 mins - 1hour, but most of the stuff u say are really on point

                            you felled off

                              @GodDog thank you! your question is pretty general, too hard for me to give a good answer. don't die or miss cs or rage :p
                              @efextoide you can read the reviews on my dotacoach page, that's about the only concrete evidence i can give you.

                              Miku Plays

                                OP, u got knowledge on Lc?


                                  Can u look at my profile and tell me what should i try to improve in general?


                                    thats it sir. i dunno when to get into jungle. like i said before when i finish my 1 item core its my turn to get pushy. i wander here and there but when i leave my lane i will tired and lazy to get back to the laning spot to lh creep. i just push creeps and after i see tower i will retreat to my teamates. coz from my point of view if i already clash and abandoning my lane to farm and get back to farm again after the clash it would just give the time to enemy to harass my team (in case i was carry). so any suggestion sir for my creeping technique just advise will help me thanks sir.


                                      yep im subscribing for sure
                                      thanks for making these videos, i'm definitely watching at least some of those

                                      btw: when i'm a 4k scrub, should i watch the 2k/3k coaching videos as well (like is there something that most 4ks don't know as well) or should i just watch the higher ones

                                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                          also am i being a moron or are all of your videos only in 360p

                                          lm ao

                                            360p expipipipi

                                            you felled off

                                              @hatsune yeah, i can teach every hero except for meepo up to a 6k level
                                              @exorcist dont call me sir this makes me feel like im being trolled or something lmao. the key to getting better and learning when to fight is just to always default to farming, and fight only when you think it's 100% going to benefit you personally. at least that's how you do it as farming core.
                                              @arin thank you! glad you like them. i think it might help to have the lower mmr ones in the background or something like that, i generally don't cover (what i think to be) advanced stuff with lower mmr players but you might pick up a certain mentality that i think to be healthy. also the vids are all in 720p, not sure what the issue is.
                                              @meka yeah pretty accurate, though i see a few people who can pull it off. (aliastar on twitch does it sometimes)

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                              pls be patient very noob ...

                                                Hey OP do you pan mouse or use WSAD etc. for camera movement? Imma save your links so I can check them out later when I get the time. Maybe can I ask for your insight on what other stuff should I work on my tinker based on a quick look on my tinker games?

                                                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                  you felled off

                                                    @sit down i use camera grip and clicking on the minimap mostly - on tinker just make sure you don't take all of the farm on the map, it's easy to starve your teammates by pushing out every wave and taking the jungle and stuff, just try to farm in spots where your teammates 100% cannot and only push out waves that teammates aren't close to/are unsafe for them to push

                                                    waku waku

                                                      dang i don't see pudge here what a pity


                                                        @ OP - What do u do when no1 wants to first pick in ranked and u want to play a core , is it better to pick the core first ( POS 1/2 ) or better to lose some gold to get a good core who can counter at least 2/3 of the enemy heroes? And what about randoming heroes in ranked? How much do u prioritize starting gold overall??

                                                        you felled off

                                                          @perfectly i don't give a fuck about first picking personally, i just pick heroes that are decent vs. most other heroes or play whatever i want. zeus/sven/tide/oracle/wd all seem like pretty good vs. all heroes, ultimately just play what ur good at

                                                          Meat Spinner

                                                            At what mmr u calibrated ? What was your peak ?


                                                              how long did you play dota now?

                                                              you felled off

                                                                @D'Scare i calibrated at 3.5, peak is 6.6
                                                                @Kaizo i started actually playing a bit under two years ago. i played a bit beforehand it was a very small amount of games


                                                                  Great videos man I subscribed. I hope i can get up to your mmr one day calibrated 1k now at 3,6.

                                                                  you felled off

                                                                    thanks dude~ take it slow


                                                                      how do i start streaming?


                                                                        ^ U have to create "6.5K Coaching + Daily Videos" thread to get attention first. :P

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                                                                          Yorum silindi

                                                                            can u coach me how to lose 1k mmr in 1 day

                                                                            OpenAI (Human)

                                                                              Can I add you so we can discuss this? I kinda am needing to get some advice and coaching so add me

                                                                              you felled off

                                                                                @bukkake download obs, start streaming
                                                                                @lex u need to actually start something first tho, but ye u kinda got me here.
                                                                                @face play 40 games and lose them all
                                                                                @camper add me on skype @eckocoaching