General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter offensive 3 lane?

How to counter offensive 3 lane? in General Discussion
Ferdinand I

    Need help from some 5-6k+ who knows what he is doing. It seems that in 4k bracket nobody care about defending their safelane carry, just wants to fuck up the enemy carry. Recently I start facing agressive 3 lane consisted only from early game heroes which can easily outplay even defensive 3 lane(main carry + 2 sups). How can you survive this if you dont count always on help from your midlaner and the offlaner?

    acc buyers in my team

      omniknight + OD. Enemy lost

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      Pale Mannie

        OD - Omni - Dazzle/wd = ez safelane


          Assuming you're the carry: if you can get a good defensive tri lane and win the lane then good. If your supports can't do anything other than potentially feed, just tell them to sack the lane and do shit around the map and you soak whatever xp you can and tough it out while you win the other lanes, oh yeah and carry a tp for some well needed ksing. In 4K brackets what happens afterwards is generally once they push the t1 tower you can hold the creep wave in front of t2, ward jungle entrance and catch up on farm.

            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

              Only at earlier levels though, if the game is going really long and laning phase is miraculously on, you'll suffer.


                abandon xP


                  What 1111 said.

                  or rotate