General Discussion

General DiscussionDepressing

Depressing in General Discussion

    Im a trash Pudge tbh, but this was probably my best game ever with him (3 of my 10 deaths were denies) and of course i had a hick shaman who said i missed every hook (missing every hook doesnt get you most kills on the team by far) an ember who doesnt know how to watch for when his rememnants expire, and an antimage who split pushes and gets caught out late, when we have the advantage.
    oh well you win some you lose some


      Don't feel bad, your team mates IQ was probably somewhere between too dumb to live and unable to tie their shoe laces. You probably couldn't have won this game if the enemy sat in their base and didn't do anything for the first 20 minutes.

      Antimage maxing spell shield first.
      Sand king with first point into caustic finale.
      Ember Spirit who skilled his ultimate at levels 11 and 16.
      Shadow Shaman - probably the same guy as I got in this game -

      Some games you just get the complete moronsville, it's part of the enforced 50% winrate which the game tries its hardest to enforce.

      Pale Mannie

        My team wanted to ff because enemies are perma 5 manning at top and i missed 2 out of 7 hooks in earlygame and asked me that i played pudge first time


          move on to the next game. 6 out of 10 games will always be like that