General Discussion

General DiscussionNot having an anime picture in 2016

Not having an anime picture in 2016 in General Discussion

    Just finished first 3 episodes Serial Experiments Lain. Good anime.
    Thank you.

    @MichiKo and YorKeY
    Opening from Death Note destroys brains (second especially).

    "We must pass gas to free all this pain x2
    Many bandanas Many bandanas from England x2

    Too many cocks too many cocks from England x2

    Go on a diet now.

    Hey n*gger suck it, your just a n*gger f*ggot. x7




    Bu yorum düzenlendi


      I blame my calibration on a lack of valuable educational resources like CHI LONG QUA when I started playing, and what anime I've watched over the years rotting my brain.

      EE could strive to be the best player in the world, but he watches anime so he's mentally handicapped.


        "Opening from Death Note destroys brains (second especially)."

        Tt aside, I liked Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin


          A lot of hate towards anime lol and none of you realize how ridiculous you sound. Anime is just a medium; it isn't a fucking genre or something. Not every anime involves fetishes or huge boobs accompanied by dumb women.

          Saying you hate all anime is like saying you hate all music or all movies. Some of the arguments here are fucking weak as well. "I've seen the 'top' anime and I hated them hence all anime is shit." Ayyyy lmaaoooo League of Legends is a 'top' game, do you hate every single game because you don't like LoL?

          I swear to god the amount of people acting like they're mature and shit is fucking patheticcccccccccc.

          inb4 I probably hate 90% of anime out there but there are gems like psycho pass/ghilbi films/mushishi/erased and etc.

          D the Superior
            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
            A waifu a day keeps socie...

              Anime is a terrible medium of literature


                i think u need to be a bit more creative or intelligent to enjoy animes, i talk from experience, only my smart friends likes anime, can't be a coincidence..

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  Shinsekai yori and psychopass s1 hxh were the only 3 animes o truly enjoyed I think the rest I only watched I had nothing better to do

                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                    hey cutie how do i say ''im offlane'' in chinese? not solo offlane just ''im offlane''
                    i like to run dazzle duo offlane and sometimes people think i click minimap just for fun

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      Sec I'm on my phone rn but I replied to a similar thread by u awhile ago


                        I don't care about anime pics. But when people hype some anime characters that looks like a 7 year old and call it amazing, that irritates me, sounds more like idiotic weeaboo hyping the probably subpar art drawn over a stupid parody like plot. Shit like Lucky Star

                        Anyway, I've given up on watching/reading anime/manga after Naruto finished... but... To put my two cents in, I change my picture like every week to whatever.

                        Only anime I ever really liked was Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Clannad: After Story, Clannad, and Elfen Lied. As for Manga, Ichigo 100% (actual good art), Naruto, FMA, Elfen Lied, 5 Centimeters per Second.... I just wrote whats on MAL.

                        oh and fk Code geass, Inuyasha, and One Punch Man.



                        Miku Plays

                          i think ichigo100% sucks !! i didnt even finish episode 1


                            Obv, Yeah the anime sucked. @_@

                            Look how shitty the art is in the anime, looks like they half assed it and followed the manga in an awful way.

                            Miku Plays

                              sauce pls !!

                              EZ MID 9k mmr

                                Is this it?


                                ''im offlane''?


                                  add a +1 if u want


                                    i marathoned ichigo 100% duringmy college exams
                                    strawberry panties ftw

                                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                                      我走劣势路 +1

                                      like so?


                                        never watched the anime but the manga of ichigo 100% was good

                                        was one of the first few long mangas i read and i still love it till this day because it actually had a fucking conclusion

                                        Pale Mannie

                                          Im smart and i hate anime
                                          i call bullshit

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            But still normal skill FeelsBadMan

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              Nah, death note was really good, only people who hate it are people who hate popular animes.

                                              Yes, that's why One Punch Man and Steins;Gate are two of my favorite animes, being rated 13th and 3rd best atm, while Death Note is 34th and I think it really sucks.

                                              The OST was OP, has amazing songs, and some are fun on guitar,

                                              I listen to/play metal and I didn't like it, it was pretty generic and shitty.

                                              and the english dub was pretty good too,

                                              This is true though, voices are top notch, L's voice in particular.

                                              heck the story was very well made, and the manga is great too. But whatever ever you say, you do have the "best taste in the world. "

                                              Taste is subjective, and Death Note is not to my taste because I hate pretentious shit that tries hard to appear smart when it's actually dumb.


                                                ^i kinda agree on last sentence, it had a decent idea was kind of ok until the antagonist (or idk how would u call him cuz he was good i think) died/.


                                                  people dont want to try new stuff, something that looks unconventional, thats why many people don't even give a try to anime i guess.


                                                    wtf i was so happy when that happened
                                                    main reason why i liked dn was that the protagonist was eviel


                                                      The only anime that I loved is Cardfight Vanguard




                                                          @ VoHiYo i mean i didn't like L but without him the story just seemed to go shitty very fast and i stopped watching


                                                            N was just too awful


                                                              AND even more annoying

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                Pacing is a common problem, it picks up in the second half though.

                                                                Actually, pacing in the second half is even worse.

                                                                This is isn't a common opinion.

                                                                Does it even matter that an opinion is common?

                                                                I didn't think there was psuedo-intellectual crap in AoT, this isn't Death note or Code Geass. If there is, it isn't supposed to be a strong point anyway. Give me some quotes of retarded monologue, because that's also a fairly uncommon issue

                                                                Well, here's 2 in 1: the whole deal about shit being impossible to predict, it starts when he wants to turn into a titan when chased by the Female Titan and levi is like "he's not wrong, you never know how things turn out" etc, and after everyone dies he's like "oh yeah you truly never know" and then it goes to levi explaining it again etc, it's just fucking dumb, pseudo-intellectual, filler material which also results in retarded monologue, and it actually happens a few more times but this is the most notable example.

                                                                It really can't fit into 12 episodes. A lot of time that isn't spent fighting titans has to do with politics and character development. The show can't be constant fighting.

                                                                Nor should it, but the amount of character development that actually went into the first season, along with the fights, could fit into 12 episodes. Another thing that's worth mentioning is that it's not necessary to repeat shit, okay Armin, we get it, you're a pu$$y but you have a strategic mind, and people actually respect your opinions, we get it.

                                                                Even strict anime critics don't come up with this shit, with maybe the exception of pacing and character problems. I honestly believe you're hating on it just to hate on it.

                                                                No, I just wanted it to be good, but it turned out being pretty retarded.


                                                                  i read the mango AoT and i think it was garbage 4head

                                                                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                    tfw white haired feg actually got lucky, he should have died

                                                                    > yfw

                                                                    kira was not evil
                                                                    crime was down everywhere
                                                                    just had to pwn few relatives


                                                                      i still have 7 episodes to go but im not sure if its worth it to pick it up again 4head

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        Another point to why Death Note sucks is that it wasn't directly Kira's fault he got rekt in the end, it was actually the fault of his "DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!" pretentious retard. Though you can say this is kinda realistic and that it was his fault that he put faith in him not fucking up etc, in reality, when you have so many artificially omniscient characters it's only natural that somebody who is not artificially omniscient fucks up.

                                                                        EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                          i legit dropped death note shortly after L fiasco ended and just skipped to the final ~3 episodes

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            Kinda odd that any thread that mentions women is taken down but these semi porno threads stay alive

                                                                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                              u dont like animu?

                                                                              what are you gay?


                                                                                cowboy bebop.

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  I like anime, speak Japanese (was my minor in Uni) and have practiced Kendo for over 5 years. Doesnt make these sick otakus any less pathetic.



                                                                                    mods are secretly (not really) weebs too.

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      As I said, anime is like metal: almost all of it is fucking shit, but the few gems out there are really good, and of course, the anime/metal culture is fucking brain damaged.


                                                                                        Don't you think that aliens ruin everything in Serial Experiments Lain? I experienced something similar watching Indiana Jones: "Why aliens?! Why?! This doesn't make any sense!" T_T


                                                                                          @bran damj

                                                                                          I dunno. I agree that there aren't that many 'gems' among the gazillion anime out there but there are plenty that are still enjoyable to watch as long as you don't take them too seriously.

                                                                                          I mean if you go into something with the prejudice that this shit sucks and attempt to spot plotholes or flaws or why you dislike it so much, then duh almost nothing will satisfy you unless it's like the best of the best.

                                                                                          No Game No Life was dumb but it was hype and entertaining as fuck. Same with stuff like Kuroko's Basketball. It's just like popular sitcoms like HIMYM or The Big Bang Theory, you're not meant to go into these shows and take them literally and seriously LOL.

                                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                                            @i am stronger: I agree you shouldn't take things too seriously, the problem is when the anime is taking itself way too seriously and is pretentious. At face value, One Punch Man is not that great, but it never takes itself that seriously, and is really entertaining as fuck because of the things it parodies. Steins;Gate doesn't take itself seriously either. But animes like Death Note, Attack on Titan, Neon Genesis Evangelion - they just either get pretentious and end up looking like a joke, just downright stupid, etc, all while trying to be all srs bsns.

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              You can't watch Evangelion and claim it's really trying to be serious at any point. In fact, the whole series could be considered a big middle finger towards people who like huge robots series.


                                                                                                Hey guys, it's 2016 already! Why don't you put Donald Trump's picture on your avatar? It's fun!

                                                                                                Hey guys, it's 2016 already! Why don't you put David Bowie on a coffin picture on your avatar? It's fun!

                                                                                                Hey guys, it's 2016 already! Why don't you put Deadpool's picture on your avatar? It's fun!

                                                                                                Hey guys, it's 2016 already! Why don't you put yo mamma picture on your avatar? It's fun!

                                                                                                Just like. Who cares about your goddamn anime pictures? All of them look the same.


                                                                                                  Yeah but there HAS to be anime that takes itself seriously. If everything was like OPM, then anime would cease to be a medium and become a genre compromising of parodies and comedies. Oh but if you like OPM, you should check out Daily Lives of Highschool Boys. The only anime comedy that made me laugh. I don't really like most of Japan humor...

                                                                                                  Take Avengers for example, in Age of Ultron or Ironman 3, we see these movies take themselves 'too seriously'. But as long as YOU don't, then it stays enjoyable. Personally, I dropped both Death Note and AoT midway and had to force myself to finish NGE but had no idea what that ending was about. Not because I found them pretentious or whatever, I just found them draggy and boring.


                                                                                                    Ending is the worst part of NGE, it's only good if you drop it somewhere in the middle.