General Discussion

General Discussionam i road to 5k?

am i road to 5k? in General Discussion

    no, not really


      @TripleSteal- Maybe he will, if he maintain his winrate, it coul be possible.

      Tokita Ohmamamo!


        Tokita Ohmamamo!



            MMm maybe not because you have a few games at normal and high skill, probably you will be a 4.5 or maybe 4.8

            Tokita Ohmamamo!



                the fact that he has such a winrate at this point indicates that it will be lower in higher bracket.


                  But he needs an average of 100 games to start playing rankeds. Winrate, and vhs, are indicators of good MMR too, not only KDA, farm, bla bla bla.


                    hes in high 3ks still tho


                      The most of games are VHS, and if he keep in VHS the rest of games till the calibration maybe he will be a 4.5 - 4.8

                      Tokita Ohmamamo!

                        hey triple steal i played with 5ks in normal

                        Tokita Ohmamamo!

                          so dont be a hater


                            i have 3k hidden mmr as well, and 5k solo/party ranked. the ratings do not correlate with each other, and what i said has no emotional part. u r just high 3k atm regardless of whether i like u or nah.


                              Normal matchmaking it's about winrate nothing else, so if you are in VHS and +50%winrate you could find players above to 3.5k.
                              The mechanics of ranked is a bit different, and some features are unknown.


                                How do you know about your Hidden MMR? how much mmr did you get after the first calibration?

                                bum farto

                                  I played with 7K's in normal games that's because there is no real bracketing in normals or it's broken at best. You will calibrate around high 3K cause as games get harder your performance will get poorer which is partially how the game pushes you up/down into the game skill region you should be in.

                                  Praise Jebus, Tripple finally 5k


                                    It's not about win rate, not about your shitty kda, gpm or any useless shit, it's about how consistently you perform in every game.

                                    bum farto

                                      ^ This but rewording it.

                                      It's about how you consistently perform vs the other players in your game.


                                        well, that was rude, havoc

                                        < blank >

                                          ^^ This but rewording it.

                                          It's about how you consistently perform vs the other players in your games.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            Funny thing. When I had 4.2 - 4.4k party I was playing with one of my friends and we were getting high skill games and then I climbed my party mmr to 5k and we were always getting very high skill games and they felt a lot more harder tbh and no he wasn't playing with anyone else or even solo, just with me, so he couldn't climb and he was always feeding in every game Kappa. I think nmm mmr might be linked to your ranked mmr idk, shit's weird.


                                              "consistently" What do you mean with it? if it's not winrate, kda, apm, farm, wards, hero damage, tower damage, what "consistently" means?
                                              Just wondering.


                                                ^ you stomp kids in every game not just a few and be like "oh I played well but I can't reach high skill" just cuz u performed ok in a few games. And it doesn't matter you can have 700 gpm, 10kda on average or some shit and u can still be in normal skill.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  well, that's what I said, if his performance keeps going like this (VHS, winrate, kda, etc) probably he'll get 4.5 k


                                                    Nope, sory.
                                                    If u always play like that till u hve calibrating, u only worth 3k
                                                    But if ur gamestyle getting better every match, it could be


                                                      at most 4.4k mmr.


                                                        nope, not even close


                                                          AM I ROAD TO 5k TOO? I LOSE BUT I READ IN A FORUM THAT EVEN IF YOU IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOU PLAY WELL ON THAT GAME.