alright im done.all i have to say in the end is K.
I see so you noobs say that I must have more than %50 win ratio by getting carried.
Thanks for the info fellas
what do u mean u raped every1 in ur first 10 matches. i don't see what u are describing looking at ur matches. maybe your fourth game on juggernaut replicated consistently would get u there.
raped everyone my first 10 games
you lost 6 out of those 10 games. you either lost or abandoned 14 out of your first 20 games.
Whatever man I got the point my KDA doesn't mean shit I need %50+ win ratio just like cs go only win matters valve rules
apparently steam/doto tracks your ip address or something like that, i created a new acc, started off in VHS, changed a whole new pc, created new acc, started off in VHS. so yeah whatever #nomoresmurfing
I only see u getting rekt and not u wrecking someone so idk what ur talking about.
if u want to be placed somewhere higher you need to play like this http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2082374814 in every single game, but even this game doesn't even look good it's kinda normal - high skill still x) your items were garbage on him and farm is really meh.
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Yo this is my smurf my main is 2.4k garbage I started with this account pretty solid why does it say normal skill I raped everyone in my first 10 matches does the abandons count that much?