General Discussion

General DiscussionHow's your daily life playing DotA?

How's your daily life playing DotA? in General Discussion

    Ok, today I'm gonna play dota.

    Always play ranked All Pick or captains mode. Always win the first game, won a stomp or 10 different kills. After the win, I always feel hungry to play ranked again, and usually I end up playing with shitty mates and all that. Btw (I never play 3 ranked games in a row because 2 games already tiring)

    Sometimes when I play the second where I lost close game and the third always shittier than the second. Now I am -25 than before wtf. Ok play again the evening and win again and thats 0 MMR for today. Does this sound familiar guys?

    The empty feeling when you exit dota 2 tho. Shite, I love this game too much


      ur addicted

      < blank >

        I play better when I'm tired and I stop thinking then my game sense starts to lead me the way to victory



            My day-
            Wants to complete compendium while playing cause why not.
            Needs to grab the aiges 3 times so plays spectre in ranked (free mmr) - An opponent dcs before picking even ends. I make full bet that we will win. 5 min later the entire opposing team dcs and my bet gets filled. Best of days. Time for round 2

            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

              If I feel bad, I smurf on this account. Always on ranked. If I feel like in good condition I would go back to my main but would still be 50/50 whether I would go ranked or normal. 70 % of the time I would just choose to play against bots and not ruin my mood with a lost game. I just noticed I kinda lost that usual irresistable urge to play with humans, and over time I developed an anxious fear of losing 25 points on my MMR. Sometimes I feel jealous of my friends who calibrated 3.6 and consistently dwindle down to flat 3 but still religiously playing on ranked, irregardless if they are gaining or losing MMR.


                i always feel like playing more when i lose, and feel like stopping when i win. i dont know why. i'm actually really enjoying the low 3k bracket. games are fun here. below 3k i get infuriated too much. 3k is about the level where teammates are good enough i dont get mad at what they do too much. im scared to go higher because i know its gonna be toxic the better people get at dota. ppl are more anal about picks and items and whatnot.

                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                  ^smurf for practicing Ember? and my experience with 3k is that I always get unruly teammates. they're the types who would jungle on you 20 minutes into the game and when one of the lanes lose they would usually chat a passive-aggressive "zz" or "wew" or if luck chose to especially fuck you today, a flood of trashtalk and cussing pointing out how you could not win safelane solo against an in-your-face aggressive enemy offlane, or they're the type who would spam "need wards" when you already have the whole fucking map literally lit with 3 wards and the shop is out of stock of them.

                  I now envy you along with my other friends who enjoy 3k.


                    @courier breeder. smurf for practicing any hero i dont have enough practice on.

                    i think that kind of attitude is consistent across all skill brackets. but the really toxic ones come from ppl who know much more about the game and have a solid idea of how dota should be played. probably high 3ks to 4k im thinking. i dono since im not there yet.

                    your experience sounds like my experience in the 2k bracket. annoying as hell because i can see that they dont know the game as well as i do, and it drives me nuts because they trash talk despite knowing shit. trash talk isn't as annoying if its at least true.

                    maybe im at the sweet spot where you are good enough to play well most of the time, and teammates arent horrendous enough to ruin your games. it's the stress-free kind of dota. i could probably play better if i try-harded more. but then i would become toxic and cranky like all the try hards at high3ks.