General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with enchantress offlane

How to deal with enchantress offlane in General Discussion

    Generally nukes work, but lets take this scenario: your team is composed of no hard nukers and no natural BKB carryers, such as spectre, aa, qop, darkseer, undy, or something along those lines. How do you deal with an offlane enchantress considering that in actual games a 5 man gank will never be possible earlier than minute 10-15, at which point ench will have owned the lane hard with or without her support's help ?

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      Nothing, you got outpicked, gg


        outpicked by one enchantress ? wtf ?! this is dote, every scenario has a counter-scenario

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          Dagon / Moonshard rush, not more

          This hero might get nerfed next patch because she is op

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            play aggresive early, her level 1 isnt particularly strong, i think.


              You can ignore the enchantress and 5 man on the rest of the 4 heroes, sure Ur safe lane tower might go down but that would make it easier for Ur carry to farm,dominate the other 4 or even 3 heros early and mid game and late game u can deal with her with a number of options like bkb, hex, silver edge maybe just split push the opposition to death.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                From what I've seen, ench has a big snowball potential, so if you cant deal with her early on, splitpushing wont save the game. I never saw a lategame with enchantress, cose either nukes kill her easy, or if nukes don't exist, she wins game before 30-40 minutes.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Block your own large camp with a lane ward and block their secret shop camp with a sentry. This is very important because without creeps, she can't win the lane, even if she won't die. Or just block her camp and don't let her get to your camp.

                  Swap Commends

                    Sliver edge carries
                    And in team fights ignore her and go for other 4.


                      if u ignore her in team fights she can destroy you all
                      But yeah, nuke her to oblivion in early

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        that's also kinda true and scary


                          ofc she wins the lane lol~ she just hit you to death while you cant click on her


                            Rofl Ai.Easy said to ignore enchant. Enchant will rape ur whole team with some attack speed and some mana


                              what sam said