General Discussion

General Discussionreporting

reporting in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    I don't understand. How do you not get mad at the crazy amount of fucking retards in this game when they are legit fucking useless.
    The amount of games i have where people dont know how to play or fucking pick heroes is insane and then get reported for it.. fucking bullshit.

    For example play ranked. have a good team. and then last pick.. support fucking dp. like how fucking retarded. obviously fucking lose. because of fucking retards.

    Too bad I can't have 5 of me in one team. would be fun to play. instead of have me, maybe someone decent and then 3 legit fucking retards.

    Fuck valve. I honestly wonder when they are going to fucking fix their system. Holy shit


      nice smurf mate! ur actually 7k but ur team is keeping you back im sure.


        ikr? like if there were five of me 5 x 1k = 5k so I would rekt everyone

        Dire Wolf

          I report people for being legit assholes, don't really care if you play bad, but don't be a dick. Had to report two last night.

          Tide fed on purpose, sven starts 6-0 in four minutes, I don't even know what caused it, he just got mad cus he died once and say eff it I'm feeding, then fed a courier too for good measure. But whatever, 20 mins of my life gone, could've been worse, and he's probably in low priority now cus he didn't play another game.

          But next game, I get the mirana from that game on my team. I shadow ck safe lane again, he says some snarky shit like your ck sucked last game, I say how can you actually get a result from a game with a feeder like that? just play. I end up not picking ck cus guy picked sven over me, so I jungle lc, of course this guy bitches snarkily. Well he goes offlane phoenix, gives up first blood, is 0-4-0, is level 4 by time I'm level 7 in jungle. On a solo Phoenix offlane. And worst of all he has a mic with a whiney bitch ass voice complaining about my jungling entire time when bottom lane is actually winning and he's the guy throwing the game. When we finally win he acts shocked, and I'm like well duh I got some good oracle pick offs finally, cus oracle was saving everyone I dueled mid game, and he tells me to go die in a fire. What a fucking punk.

          And that's kind of my point don't assume people are good or bad off one game, but a bitch is always a bitch. That guy is and will always be a total tool.


            I dont recall anyone complaining about player conduct when they win.

            I wonder how the frequency of teammate reports changes depending on win/loss outcome.
            l'd guess that the chance of reporting a teammate is 2x or 3x more likely in a loss because people need to justify it.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              smurf ending up in lpq after 20 games nice

              Riguma Borusu

                @Mokujin, that's why I make sure to report toxic shits long before the outcome of the game is decided, just so as no to be forgiving if we actually win :x

                Don't discriminate, hate everyone.


                  I get reported and banned regardless of loss/win scenario

                  Riguma Borusu

                    I'm pretty sure people report you as soon as they realize it's Benao Kappa

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                      Dire Wolf

                        I report people during wins all the time cus they are dicks and deserver reports.


                          me too. i never report people who have bad games or do bad builds - i only ever report people for being unnecessarily toxic or actively feeding/trolling.

                          i do however report every fucker who delays finishing the game because they have a sutpid quest to complete. almost always costs the game and always costs me 30mins of my worthless life...

                          Pale Mannie

                            That Pugna deserved a report for stealing my rampage -_-


                              I don't report idiots (you should be used to playing with idiots we are all idiots)
                              I report people for being c*nts. Like just unreasonably being c*nts. If I fed 0-15 then yeah call me a noob. But fking flaming me because I missed a last hit or something insignificant just go fck yourself.
                              Also fck dotabuff making me censor my words



                                You will get people here who completely ignore the fact that in normal skill up to 4k you will get 100% useless people who will go like 0-7 in 15 mins then blame you for not ganking.

                                You will get retards who insist on picking sniper 2nd only to have enemy pick PA and tusk and heroes who completely feed off of sniper.

                                You will get supports who sit in ur lane and soak exp and die then blame u for not helping when u have low hp and no mana for a spell.

                                My account used to be 65% win rate, but I get reported for telling people they suck.

                                So i understand it can be hard to play w.noobs

                                I have new accounts with much higher MMr and better win rates and what helps me win game after game after game and get like 75% win rate is to just get better.

                                Go mid every game so ur impact is high, assume ur supports and carry will be useless. Only talk to them mostly using pings when ur gonna gank / kill a hero.

                                Go mid and play a hero who can win

                                Shadow fiend, templar assassin, outworld devourer , MORPHLING,

                                don't underestimate the power of jungle Ursa ,

                                That's it.

                                One of my friends is 5k and used to be # 17 on win rate List on dotabuff and he literally has won like his last 30 games in a row On my buddies account just by outplaying everyone.

                                Dota does have a formula.

                                Hero damage, tower damage, kills, deaths,

                                The better ur score and the less enemy score on those factors affects your chances of winning. I know I'm saying a lot of shit but I'm tryna give you a new perspective.



                                  ^maybe you can perfect your play but being the skill of a 4k in 3k you will still lose some. Just like miracle would lose some games against 6k. As you get closer to your true mmr, win gets harder til it hits 52%, 51%, 50%.