General Discussion

General DiscussionOrganize a Highskill vs Lowskill Match

Organize a Highskill vs Lowskill Match in General Discussion

    @Lord Mushroom I told them everything but they didn't believed it for some reason..

    Yeah we lost it all, I've tried to find a substitution for you but he turned out to be the weak link..

    Then when I kicked him and our offlaner suddenly wasn't able to play anymore we was forced to fill the empty slots with some Goldy friends who didn't even knew about this tread and competition, so on and so forth there is that..

    Plus then !magine showed up and I took him as a carry so he was the only good highlight in our last games but it was too late for us constantly switching players and roles :-D

    @Ashes I'm sorry about everything that happened in our team, don't know what to say really.. :'(

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      Where can I watch the games at?


        I just got on the computer so i'll slowly start uploading videos on youtube. As soon they're ready to watch i'll post them here.


          2k mmr vs 3k mmr Game 1 is ready boys! Feel free to watch it. Game 2 is coming soon.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            Are u guys gonna play any 3k vs 4k? Kappa. I want to see some more games tonight.
            @emo drift - we should never take random ppl without testing out their ply in our team!
            That 3k v 2k 2nd game had like the most no of mistakes I've ever seen.
            @mushroom - ru OK now bro?

            Riguma Borusu

              Well, in the second game of 3k vs 2k we made sure to draft and play like complete retards xD But we still won because shred was overfed so w/e, right clicking people just to die in the full enemy team is basically like autopilot or some shit, I had terrible ping that game and didn't care about it because of 2k team's internal issues, it made the game less enjoyable for the 3k team too.

              Do we have a 4k team ready?

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                Watching the games whole day now xD

                @Ashes I totally agreed on that but circumstances were just sudden and unexpected so nothing we could do 10 minutes before the match.. :/

                Just spoken to Lord Mushroom and he is better. We will play some team (Me,Ashes,Goldy,LordMushroom,The Offlaner) games during the week if everybody wants to?

                @Goldy Why did you unfriended me man? :(

                @SvenGuy I dont think so, ask Kumbo he can make 4k team for the next weekend and then we can play 1k vs 3k, 3k vs 4k and 2k vs 4k matches guys? Sounds good!

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                jus chillen

                  isnt it waste of time? playing against people 1k over you

                  jus chillen

                    woudnt u get stomped in 20 min unless they pick stupid shit?

                    Riguma Borusu

                      isnt it waste of time? playing against people 1k over you

                      If your team is 1k and the other team is 2k apparently no it is not because 1ks won against 2ks 2:1.

                      woudnt u get stomped in 20 min unless they pick stupid shit?

                      That was the case for the 3k vs 2k games, first game we stomped because we had a general idea what we're doing and just took objectives and run at them, second game we pretty much picked and did stupid shit, so the game was way more even when the comeback gold hit in for 2ks. But one thing to stress is that 2k team had at least one really underwhelming player on their team, so the game was much harder for them.

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                        A lot of excuses. 1k team won against 2ks, and they are still trying to find excuses.

                        Our carry left. We had internal issues. We have to "TEST" our players before we go to play next games.

                        This is just pure bullshit. It's not like 3k team spent 3 days trying to theory craft or test players.

                        We just played ona game together, as you guys did. And same for 2k team, we also played with different carry 3 out of 3 matches.

                        Test match, match number 1, match number 2.

                        3k Team wasn't even a 3k team. Sven Guy is flat 3000 MMR, MoonBeam is 2900 MMR, Yoshi was 3100 MMR.

                        Imagine if I actually tried to get players that are actually legit 3k players. Like 3600+ MMR.

                        And even with 2900/3000 players in 3k team, game number 2 was 80% trolling 20% playing.

                        I didn't even try to play seriously game 2, because there's no point. It's funny how Deadweight said several times how 3ks are over-extending and failing, while he failed to realise 2k had internal issues and they gave up, so we just got bored.

                        I do have to agree that EmotionalDrift could find a better players, and I even offered him MoonBeam.

                        But then again, I'd never draft/play like I did if I knew they are decent and legit high 2ks to 3k.

                        I mean, I went Dagon OD, I was messing around whole time as Slark, Naix spent 30 mins inside of me and so on.

                        Last thing, this is what happens when you want to play against me, and clasify me as 3k player while I'm not.

                        Maybe my last-hitting skills are close to high 3k, but my decision making, game understanding and execution is 4.2-4.3k MMR.

                        Next time, when you do 3k vs 2k(and if you do it), I will not join 3k team, and maybe 2k player might standa a chance.

                        All stuff Deadweight told in Stream, as good stuff for 3k players was mostly my calls and my advices to my team, because I realised it's gonna help us to win.

                        However, later on it just felt apart because Drift team wasn't even competitive. They didn't want to play, they had internal issues and we just got bored.

                        I agree that this game should be repated, but with legit 2k and legit 3k players.

                        It's not that hard to find them. Dotabuff provides enough info..


                          Your farming skills are more high 2k 4Head :D

                          Anyway, 2k MMR vs 3k MMR Game 2 is ready in Full HD boys.



                            Well they are not mate, you're going too far now. But I'm aware I'm bad at last hiting. I guess everyone has some flaws..

                            Trying to get better, but it's hard. Still, I'm not giving up.

                            At least this was good because community should stand together and not fight against each other.

                            This matches actually showed we can all get along.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            jus chillen

                              1k mmr is actually same with 2k or am i wrong

                              jus chillen

                                i mean 1500-2500


                                  @emo, I unfriended everybody from that. The toxicity was just ridiculous, from everybody. Ofc we were going to lose to the 3ks, that's expected, but the attitudes on the 2k team was just horrible. Even to the point of just sitting in the fountain and not even trying, or fighting over the courier?? Really?! That makes the game so un-enjoyable. No wonder we lost to the 1ks, everybody so tilted and not playing as a team shows proof that 5 people playing together can beat 5 individuals playing their own game. (yea yea let's hear that would never happen in higher mmr, whatever) I'll add people back and play if they stop acting like little kids...




                                      Oh, and to add something else. The only reason I didn't play Shadow Fiend was because I wanted to give 2k guys more chance for winning, because if I went SF mid against that Ashes guy, game would be much more unpleasant.

                                      3k team literally decided to give 2k team a chance to win. At first, I wanted to go SF mid, then I realised it would be just stupid and unfair, so I asked moonbeam if he wants to do it, and he accepted.

                                      I even sent Dazzle Naix and ES to lane against their safelane tri-dual lane(cant remember what it was, tbh), and I was alone top against duallane und/Slardar.

                                      I mean, I tried my best to make this game looks as pleasant as it could, and to give viewers some kind of hype. Because after games were done, I felt like I wasted 3 hours of my life for nothing.

                                      1k vs 2k games were just way better.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        2k guys - you should have changed that undiying player, i honestly think he was the reason for a lot of the stuff that happened after. I and Shred even suggested you take Moonbeam but Drift didnt want to so idk - it was kinda your guys own fault that the game turned into stomp.

                                        @Shred - take it like a proud Serbian man, not a sissy xD

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          Deadweight, next time you cast, keep in mind few things, please. I really value your time you spent for this to happen, but try to get it on next level, now you have more expiriance.

                                          1. During first 10-12 mins, you are focusing on Last-hits, so you want to show viewers that.
                                          2. Later on you switch to Networth.
                                          3. Try to catch as much kills/fights as you can. Like I literally raped several times 2k team, and you didn't saw it because you were busy doing something else.
                                          4. Follow the map better, pay more atention on mid lane, etc.

                                          Just trying to help you, you did amazing job regardless and earned big respect from me. And nice guitar skills. :-)


                                            no one says anything about the awesome co-caster? what a shame...


                                              No one cares about co-people dude 4Head xD


                                                When kumbo is serious he can be really good co-caster. He made some good points.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  @Empowered Mind:

                                                  Nobody commented on my Double Veil abaddon, so :'(

                                                  BTW I watched the game cast, the first time I died as Naix was to AM, I actually told my team that AM doesn't have a battlefury yet (I predicted he's gonna have a 20 minute one), so I ran at him and just fed him, AM proceeds to buy the battlefury xD I mean if I haev any mana and AM has ult and lvl 4 mana break there's no point in running into him.

                                                  Also that one time that I just ran into the base to silence AM I was fucking bored because Shred had already put music up and stopped communicating and I just ran into death a few times, (because my mom just brought some dinner so I ate a fucking sandwich) that's not what a 3k player does, or should do, just so you guys don't get the wrong idea, casters went to talk about how it's a typical 3k overextension though I don't actually think 3k players should legitimately do stupid shit like that (walk into high ground for no reason and die). I mean I was the second lowest MMR player on that team too, so that was something too, I'm just flat 3k.

                                                  But yeah, casters were on point with the commentary most of the time (camera movement was pretty bad tho), I think PL was trolling with heart rush too.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    that ring of health reaver PL triggered the fuck out of me



                                                      Awesome Double Veil abaddon dude!

                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                        Organise 3k vs 4k and 4k vs 5k. Those games should be interesting.

                                                          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                          jus chillen

                                                            arin 5k 4head

                                                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                @Goldy You are totally right! I dont think that can happen.. Tho if you all willing we can try one (last) time vs 4k team (if they gather one but I dont see the point there) and thats it. Nothing more to add, everything was said. If youre not then good luck to you mate..

                                                                Im out.

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  Do it. I'll cast it, since i cant cast and play at the same time. Btw Meka - you guys are a team, not 5 random 5k guys, so idk if that's good representation of 5k bracket.

                                                                  Kumbo can honestly be a really good co-caster who gives nice insight and compliment really nicely if he actually tries and not trolls, so ofc props to him too! We tried our best, but it's sometimes not easy to find out who's trolling and who's not at lower mmr's, cause we all saw a lot of weird shit so far, so don't take it too personal - it's all for good fun :)

                                                                  I have to glue some videos now, since my sound died during 1k vs 2k games. I'll try to upload them asap.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  Mid or Techies

                                                                    Ya I am 4.2 k and would love to crush a 1k scrub

                                                                    THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                      When I put together my team, half of them dropped out like 10 minutes before. It was only me and mango left and we pulled 3 people out of our ass that didnt even know what was going on. I didnt even know who they played until I was picking their heroes. I say the 2ks biggest problem was just that it was like 3am over there, because they looked really sloppy compared to us in the first and third games.

                                                                      THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                        Also, there was almost no commucation on our team. We all seemed to know what we wanted and just pinged a bit.


                                                                          "Also, there was almost no commucation on our team. We all seemed to know what we wanted and just pinged a bit."

                                                                          Sounds like a true pub :D


                                                                            1k scrub here, would love to crush some high mmr players

                                                                            THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                              ^ Well it fucking worked bruh. When I popped smoke we all moved really well together and overall execution was good for us I think

                                                                              Swap Commends

                                                                                hey yo.Why no games on euw ?

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  That 1k roaming tidehunter stole the viewer's (and casters') hearts, I'll have to rewatch that game just becuase of that guy, because that was funny as shit.

                                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                                    That name ^ SMH

                                                                                    Also, pretty cool video.


                                                                                      im a simple rubick, i see spells, i press steal.

                                                                                      Also, i watched the videos couple times so far, because i enjoyed the commentatory a lot, lots of times both deadweight and kumbo were on point, really enjoyable to watch.

                                                                                      Deadweight just needs a bit of work with the camera movement, but considering he was doing several things together its totally fine.

                                                                                      Im going to rewatch the 1k vs 2k mmr video now :)

                                                                                      We sould organise more games like this to bond the community and enjoy it, its always good when there's a challange, and despite the gap that ppl may see btw the various MMR, I am extremly glad to play vs higher skilled players, if I could choose, I'd play only vs high skilled ppl, it helps me to learn a lot.


                                                                                      Yoshi's out to bed (soon)

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        ^I like how they banned your rubick though, that was priceless, usually you don't see bans like that. I'm still kinda pissed by having LC banned first game, and then both LC and Abaddon the next one, but oh well, it's also kinda flattering people are afraid of your heroes/playstyles though a lot of the first game's dominance rested on their trilane failing miserably.


                                                                                          "Deadweight just needs a bit of work with the camera movement, but considering he was doing several things together its totally fine."

                                                                                          Ty bro. I dont use that much of a camera movement as a player, cause i tend to watch minimap all the time. But yeah, i understand viewers wanna see all the things that happen over map so i'll do my best to improve at everything you guys suggested :)

                                                                                          I finally glued 1k vs 2k videos together so i'm uploading them now. They should be avaliable in 1-2 hours or sth.

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                                            Great, wanna see that tidehunter :D I think if you get like 10+ videos you can just as well make some highlights video or some shit as well, because the games tend to drag on or be kinda boring and cringe worthy at some points, but there are also so many fun plays and fights that it'd be worth to do it I think.


                                                                                              1k MMR vs 2k MMR Game 1 and 2 are ready boys!


                                                                                                Kumbo went full retard at game number 2.. D:


                                                                                                  first pick cm :crazy:


                                                                                                    CM is pretty sick hero Sano, i can see you dont play supports at all...

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