General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth raging?

Is it worth raging? in General Discussion

    I handed my team the win as a support Dark Seer. I handed it to them on a fricken silver platter. I dominated the lane with Brood early, and ganked other lanes with my ult securing early kills and a huge lead. My team was content on farming the jungles for the rest of the game, achieving an average 330 GPM, while their AM and Voker just pushed lanes and free farmed. Brood and Tiny thought that they could just out-click CK and AM. Whhhhhhhhy?
    Sorry, I just need to get this out of my system.
    I know this match wasn't even ranked, but why do people want to play DotA as if it was an RPG, and just walk around killing shit for gold?


      why did u post this shit


        like, is there any point in this thread

        < blank >

          It is worth after opening this thread


            Yes, I thank you for your support.
            Posted to remind you VHS players that there is a potato bracket, and it is real, and with idiots getting their account boosted all the time, you will begin to see stuff like this.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            < blank >

              I've seen all shit from 700 to 4.1k
              There is no boosting


                hey triplesteal i herd u liek shitposting


                  No, it is not worth raging /thread


                    worth raging? raging is never worth anything.


                      well, its people like triplesteal that motivate me.
                      one day ill get to be a 5k who calls 2k players (5k wannabes) scrubs.
                      @ scraps and Luxon - thanks

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        i didnt check your mmr neither skill bracket of your match

                        this thread is pointless regardless

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          shitposting =/= posting shit


                            Ofcourse it's worth raging, why be a pu$$y and remain quiet the whole game after you lost because everyone in your team fed and was useless the whole game, you gonna be quiet about it and say nothing? Why would you keep everything to yourself anyways in the first place, not to mention you only get those retards once in your team (hopefully).


                              what if im the retard in my team

                              Óðinn H

                                something one should stop and think before you type something. I'm not that tyhpe of guy but u shoulds shut hte ufkc up adn stop ebign so fucking SUTPID


                                  think about ur spelling dude

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    im pretty sure it was intentional, he always types like a moron, pretending he's cool

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      fckuing dgoshieeeet


                                        why be a pu$$y and remain quiet the whole game after you lost because everyone in your team fed and was useless the whole game, you gonna be quiet about it and say nothing?

                                        You will most likely never interact with those people again. If you did, they would almost certainly not remember who you are, and if they did remember, all they would remember is that you're a giant asshole. So there's really nothing you gain out of communicating your disappointment. You only stand to make people dislike you. That's not going to help you win games.

                                        anyway, there is a lot of scholarly research on the topic. Several decades of research have consistently come to the conclusion that the expression of anger increases your tendency towards anger. I'm pretty sure the army of psychologists and behavioral scientists that author these papers on the effects of the expression of anger are more authoritative on the topic, and they overwhelmingly agree that giving in to your anger is the path to the dark side.

                                        Unless you're in a negotiation. That's different.

                                        what if im the retard in my team



                                          Hopefully you learned your lesson - never support again. Why bother giving the roles which win the game to morons who don't know how to win even when you destroy the enemy team's early game only for your team mates terrible decision making to make you lose late game?


                                            "like, is there any point in this thread"

                                            Now you're seeing the point of these forums


                                              It's very frustrating to me when a people keep farming for the rest of the game even they already have everything they need to win and I was like "Just !@#$ing push and end this, goddamnit!" or "Stop farming and push or I feed"

                                              waku waku

                                                only if you play lifestealer


                                                  Is it worth to rage? NO. It's not. Never ever. Raging is what immature people do (which i do quite often in Dota too, almost never irl) and it's not affecting you or the team in any positive way. Always when you wanna rage and flame your teammates remember - if 6k's are still fuckin shit at this game then why wouldnt your 1-5k mmr teammates be. Let them be as retarded as they wanna be and focus ONLY on yourself, having fun and trying your best to win the game. That's the best advice i can give you and i hope i'll be once able to do it myself too.

                                                  And as NoTail said - when the game goes full retard, you can only go with it. If you're going against it, even just a tiny bit, you're fuckin done for :)

                                                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                      who rage these dayz?



                                                        go carry 24/7, never succumb to supporting even once. never go early game shit as well because coordination is non-existent in pubs and you will lose the game once you lose the momentum because one guy is going to farm after a good teamfight.

                                                        Miku Plays

                                                          Play mom Lc and rage while in berserk mode. Kappa


                                                            Rage can be constructive. When I realize I played like crap, and a teammate states his disappointment, I can actually learn what I did wrong. Why the hell cant other people do the same ?

                                                            SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                              Gotta love ur darkseer myboi

                                                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...
                                                                Yorum silindi

                                                                  @LOBBY - I'm with you on this one.

                                                                  American Tragedy

                                                                    I believe that rage depends on what you do in your life.
                                                                    Imagine two guys playing a match in one team. One of them is a retarded looser, scumbag with no friends, no social life, no well paid job, no supermodel hot af girlfriend - the only thing he has in his shitty miserable life is his steam account with DOTA and CS GO games in there. Another guy is a successful man with an interesting job, with a shitload of different hobbies and interests in his life, with a bunch of friends and a nice chick always around.
                                                                    So, for the first guy rage is something he can't get rid off as, actually this game is the only thing he has in his life so losing is not an option.
                                                                    As for the second guy is just the place where he relaxes and spends some time resting. Win or lose - who cares? It's just a game and he understands that there are a lot of different and more important things in his life which he can rage on.

                                                                    waku waku

                                                                      ^ no that's not true havoc's doing pretty good in life and he still rages in dota a lot compared to me who is a total loser

                                                                      i only rage when i play lifestealer seriously

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        Not worth look at my last game i feed so hard at mid coz of imba kunkka my team starts trash talking me so i muted them and start jungling we only lost because no one of my team brings tp and got throned by ck i doubled the cs of enemy team even im so far below

                                                                        American Tragedy

                                                                          @DOGE this is what happens when you calibrate new account from scratch and jump on VHS
                                                                          deal with it,baby ^^


                                                                            ''You will most likely never interact with those people again. If you did, they would almost certainly not remember who you are, and if they did remember, all they would remember is that you're a giant asshole. So there's really nothing you gain out of communicating your disappointment. You only stand to make people dislike you. That's not going to help you win games.''

                                                                            Exactly, you'll never interact with these retards again (hopefully) and if you do you just dodge them straight away at loading screen, I doubt I would care if some trashcan would remember me as a ''giant asshole'', atleast I'm not the one with downsyndromzied brain damage in my head, I always flame at the end of the game when enemy is attacking our ancient, I don't flame before that unless someone in my team goes 0-4 before 5 minute mark then I'll obviously say something about it and also I really couldn't care less what people think off me on the internet lol, atleast I'm not the bad player here.


                                                                              ^u just suck in communication overall


                                                                                ^ plz tell me where i suck in communication.


                                                                                  flame 4 fame


                                                                                    check the amount of ur reports lmao


                                                                                      I never knew being reported has anything to do with sucking in communication? Ever thought you could get reported for flaming donkeys at the end of the match? Or ever thought of being reported by the enemy team because they can't handle that you're a better player? Probably not. Not to mention how I actively use mic and communicate with my other 4 donkeys and try to lead them to victory but most of the time that doesn't happen because the donkeys are not just donkeys, they're braindamaged m0ngoloid donkeys and that's autolose.

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                        "because the donkeys are not just donkeys, they're braindamaged m0ngoloid donkeys and that's autolose." - Hanter 2016

                                                                                        Btw - they should add the feature which would show you from which team the reports came. Would be interesting.

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                        lm ao

                                                                                          Whats a Byrudle


                                                                                            Whats puzzling, is why do people stop to take in consideration that they may suck, when being told that they suck. For most tards, telling them they suck does not compute with their own image of themselves...

                                                                                            < blank >

                                                                                              Ty for bumping, shitlord


                                                                                                Its not bumping, its answering subjects that are actually interesting, Not the common crap that people post on a daily basis...

                                                                                                < blank >

                                                                                                  Ah nice prank, nealy raged but it's not worth raging
                                                                                                  Find a new location for the camera next time


                                                                                                    No matter how good are the beginning, pinoy will ruin it anyways. It's not worth raging, I say it's a lie. (I usually don't keep the rage in but it bug me a lot if it's something that could have been prevented in a lost match and I wished that I have SEA friends to play with so that I won't have to play with those "urination + sound" and lost the match too easily again.)

                                                                                                    lm ao

                                                                                                      bump whats a byrudle u fucking OpieOP


                                                                                                        Ok dude Ill tell you some serious shit. You are in the same shit tier as me and people will say "oh support and ez win" blah blah. Ive done my fair share of supporting in potato bracket but absolutely no one knows how to farm so thete is no point to make space. Just pick a hero like spectre and afk farm. If doubt taking a fight in any way at all DONT take it. Play safe and good luck