General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre tips and tricks / game commentary

Spectre tips and tricks / game commentary in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    So I'd like to get good at spectre because I wanna stop spamming legion and the hero actually seems to be pretty fun to play. Anybody got some good videos of tips and tricks and game commentary?



      Riguma Borusu

        ^All I've found are some 5 minute clips, gotta find some longer ones, wanna see what he does early game, mid game and lategame respectively, though he seems to play out of his mind in those 5 minute clips, he outplays people so fucking hard.

        Obviously the best advice when playing spectre is "play like badman".

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          get urn,poormanshield and fase. Set up kills with team,then get radiance asap: >20 min gg; <25 70% chance win;<30 you still got a shot. Spectre is op bro no need commentary


   try this build or look up his dota buff and see his most successful builds


              Depends on mmr really. Im 3k and usually enemies dont even care about shutting me down so i just sit in lane early game and keep farming and haunt in as soon as I get level 6 whenever there is a kill opportunity, I make sure I get the kill and go back to farming. My starting items are a stout shield, tangos, two gg branches and a salve. I get a Quelling blade asap. Get a wand next. After that there are a couple of builds epending on how the farm is going, I go:

              If laning goes well and I'm getting free farm:

              Get a PMS, Phase boots Aquila, Drums, Radiance, Manta, Heart and whatever I want.
              I might even go Diffusal before Radiance if the game warrants it.

              If I'm having a little bit of difficulty securing farm:
              PMS, Phase boots, Aquila, Urn, Radiance etc

              Again diffusal might be bought before radiance depending on the game

              If the lane is bad and im getting no farm at all:

              boots, ring of protection, phase boots, vanguard, radiance

              this is when i know its going to be a shit game and i have to fight really early and be the tank before I get farm. Ring of protection helps you stay in lane with regen and after you get vanguard you can jungle.

              There are plenty of plays to play Spec really. Urn, Vanguard, drums let you fight really early. Check out my dotabuff, I play Spectre a lot. Hope this helps.

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              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Check my recent Spectre games. Just not the one where I was solo safe lane versus Abba and SK cause of jungling LC. Other two games are ez shitting on kids.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Will do, I realized it's literally impossible to lose a game as spectre, I intentionally fed when venge started taking CS in my lane (was already tilting from the last game where AA did the same, and the one before that where treant did the same but we won anyway), so I just fed every time I respawned, and we still won somehow. I got dagon and blademail and just ran around and fed to no avail.



                    The reason you won that match was because of Lina and you're one of the cancers of dota. It isn't justified to feed just because some asshole stole your last hits, get better at last hitting and ignore him. By feeding you're spoiling the game for the rest of your teammates not just the one who was a dick to you

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^they were a 4 party and when I kindly asked venge to actually let me farm (he was getting like half the last hits because I don't have attack speed and I'm also trading with DK who reduces my damage), they all started writing shit in team chat, and the worst thing is, I'm a serbian so I understood it, lina said "haha uzmi mu sve last hittove boli te kurac" which means "take all his farm and don't give a fuck", to which venge replied "aj da vidim oce li poludeti lik" which means "let's see if this makes him crazy".

                      So I decided to just feed the shit out of the fucking game, if anything, people who won't teamplay don't deserve it in return, 4 stacks are fucking cancer anyway, and if they write in my language and I understand it, and they explicitly want to fuck me over, that's feeding time for ya.

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                        One thing to remember is that Spectre can always come back. Even if shes last in net worth, one good haunt can throw you back into the game. Laning almost doesn't matter, as long as you join the right fights mid game.

                        Obviously laning does matter to some degree. If you get plenty farm early and start to snowball its almost impossible to stop you. And the enemy can't just wait for their carry to try outcarry you, because almost nothing is going to outcarry a Spectre late game.

                        PS: the reason Spectre is considered one of the hardest carries is because she can literally be 8 slotted. You have your regular 6 slots, the moon shard and a refresher In base or on the courier. So Late game you sit in the fountain and wait for your team to start a fight then haunt, pick up refresher, refresh, put refresher back, Haunt a second time once the first is over and reality in on the second haunt.

                        Most Supports will be murdered by 10 seconds of Haunt illusions attacking them, and many cores will suffer too. Also Haunt illusions are fully immune to stuns and they can attack while cycloned. Which is nice.