General Discussion

General DiscussionNiP Era playing Terrrorblade sent back to the fucking stonage

NiP Era playing Terrrorblade sent back to the fucking stonage in General Discussion

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      NiP.Era? What is this, 2015? 4Head




          well anyway, even if the whole team but zeus suck against tb, it's still fucking hard.

          2 spell of zeus and all your illu are already 40% hp.

          Basically, chain bolt chain, and all illu cleaned, even if you didn't focused tb

          saving private RTZ

            Does the passive actually deal so much damage to TB illus?^

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              It's basically ~40% of their HP every time, because the damage is multiplied.

              inner corpse

                go pro bro, you are clearly wasting your talents on pub games


                  TI7 grand finals - ywn vs DD

                  It will be like rtz vs EE but with higher quality memes EleGiggle


                    dream israel! 4Head