General Discussion

General DiscussionMeele Rax and Get Back

Meele Rax and Get Back in General Discussion
Nikosh Adhar

    Why do people just take the meele rax and get back in pro matches most of the time? They don't take ranged rax and left it for the next push. Maximum of the time when they get the chance to push mid.

    play for fan

      congratulation your first shit post
      this dude has 1700 win but asking that nice one bro nice

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      Nikosh Adhar

        ^^ I know meele rax regens but I want to know additional things that I might don't know.. And smurfing with one hero is no skill ty.


          Because once u take the melee rax the range rax actually serves zero purpose besides helping you create mega creeps.
          the super melee creeps will already do enough to push out the lane constatnly/economic damage. especially in mid lane super range doesnt do very much (and its most commonly the first lane to get raxed)
          Plus usually those cases the pushing team is already pressed for time to get out before they respawn
          also if they arent going to respawn, the more efficient path would be to push finish the melee and instantly chip/destroy the other lane tower/rax and let your own creeps finish off the range rax

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            In general it is called 'SP' or safe play. in higher mmr thy got a high ego about their mmr thy dont want to lose any single of it, tht's why thy always get meelee rax asap if thy got chance leaving ranged coz of higher risk thy might lose bigger if thy continue to push. and destroying meelee has advantages like better meelee creeps compare to enemy, lesser bounty on your meelee creeps leaving enemy lesser gold, etc. Lastly higher mmr/pros learned already from their previous matches tht in dota the most important thing is "not rushing things, everything has a right time, 1 mistake will turn the game around. Maybe i helped u allitle.


              Think of it this way.

              1. Melee rax means you have 4 melee creeps buffed, so the lane pushes way more than if you just take ranged rax, which would only give you 1 buffed creep. It's important for the lane to be pushed by the melee creeps to create space for your team to do what ever they need to do while the enemy has to keep defending.

              2. Melee rax regens so if you don't finish it off... your push was meaningless

              Nikosh Adhar

                wow.. You guys are awesome.. thanks.. Now, I get it. That ranged rax is no use haha. I should take other tower instead of that ranged rax if I had chances.. everything clear.. :D


                  ranged rax useless


                    yeah ranged rax is pretty useless