General Discussion

General DiscussionHidden pool

Hidden pool in General Discussion
Синячий патруль

    Has anyone experienced being in it, and what r ur thoughts about it?

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      it's only for people who use sandbox or similar


        95% of people who claim to be in hidden pool, got no idea what it actually is.

        you get there for using sandbox, as matrice said; for win trading, and for stuff like ensage.


          im not completely sure about win trading, cz as far as i remember, the very top players who got highest rating by consistently win trading, were just banned, according to the rumours.


            im pretty sure op is just talking about the fake hidden pool where u get matched with rude players and the like


              as this weeaboo said there are 2 hidden pools
              1 where u get via sandbox and stuff and
              1 where u get toxic people. i think the PLAYER_BEHAVIOR_SCORE_LAST_REPORT data might be in correlation to the toxic pool
              the sandbox hidden pool is probably a pool no one here has ever seen except wave lol

              SANITY = ECLIPSED

                Sandboxing = shadowpool, hiddenpool = unknown, needs more research.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  I suggest instapicking wk safelane to get out of hidden pool.