General Discussion

General DiscussionPA

PA in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    How good is she this patch?


      Well he is SHIT the reason is cuz I cant play her "best troll 2016"


        game loser

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          Great hero.

          Until someone pick up a Silver Edge and turns her into a blinking melee creep.


            I don't think he's good as lategame carry. Esp. since Silver Edge got buffed.

            Dire Wolf

              She sucks dude look at all the popular heroes, invoker, Zeus, outworld destroyer, all high magic dmg fuck pa up early

                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                  she's fine

                  Pale Mannie

                    Garbage hero in NS


                      She is fine. Those saying that mkb and silver edge makes her useless have no idea how the hero works nor how to play around it.

                      She has been better, sure, but she is most definitely not terrible.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi


                        I don't think she's terrible, but let's say enemy picks PA and I get Slark, work on my Silver Edge, and at this point she's really fucked.I can easily kill her.

                        Same goes with SF, for example, he can rape her if he goes for Silver Edge.

                        I think she needs a lot of items to be usefull. For example: BKB is must apparently, basher, abysal, I guess sometimes you also go Battlefurry, which is not that good on her anymore in my opinion.

                        I guess she can work, but I'd avoid picking her if you're not really good with her.

                        acc buyers in my team

                          she is horrible.

                          silvers edge just 2 stronk against her.



                            Have to agree with that, I think that's bigest reason why she's horrible now.

                            Esp. since "Silver Edge debuff is no longer dispellable", which is huge deal for her.

                            She's just too squishy for Slark with Silver Edge.

                            inner corpse

                              Great pick, even pros 1st pick spam her in ranked


                                She's good but only in certain cases. If you see the enemy has heroes who don't benefit greatly from MKB or Silver's edge, PA can be a good pick.

                                The problem with PA is this : people build battle fury on her.

                                PA is ready to fight with very little farm. Eternal Envy spammed PA for 7 hours one time and I saw his stream, he was raping everyone in 6k MMR.

                                He went phase boots > ring of aquila > morbid mask > s&y> bkb

                                Those items are SUPER CHEAP. And with them you can kill people easily. The trick is to choose fights carefully and avoid landing spells on you.

                                If enemy has a strong right clickler like troll / legion / sven, PA is a bad pick cuz eventually theyll get MKB and kill you easily.

                                PA is ready to rape enemies at a very early stage in the game. So basically you need to end or give ur team huge advantage before enemies can farm MKB.

                                PA can be a very bad pick against high skill + players

                                in normal skill PA is a god cause people farm slow and don't think about silver's edge. just get your team to finish fast once you get kills, which you should as a PA .

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  i felt like flaming and making fun of normal skill ppl giving hero analyses but i won't bother
                                  just stop.


                                    Her blur skill needs to get either a rework or an active ability. What other ability in the game is constantly completely hard countered once you get a single item - even all the magic skills which are countered by BKB are only countered for 5-10 seconds. In fact not only does MKB counter her but silver edge and now Rod of Atos (I mean seriously wtf is rod of atos doing countering evasion, most retarded change of the patch).